I wrote a review here for Persona 4. The long one with more info is on the blog here. I had hoped to get a PS3 this year, but with the announcement of the 4 I am not sure. If it is backwards compatible to the 3 I may wait and get the 4. If not, well most of my friends have a 3.
Speaking of backwards compatibility, the Gamecube died, no money to buy a replacement. Thank (insert omnipotent being here) that the Wii plays the cube games. I restarted Darkened Skye. That game and I have a long history. The first time I tried it my cartridge died, either at or just before the Boss Battle. I was furious. The game is not an easy one, I forgot how hard till I restarted tonight over 5 years later. Some of the story is coming back, most is relearning.
I have been building again for the MUD (valhalla.com port 2000 - shameless plug there.) It has been hard to get back into it because it seems in every online game I run into 1/3 botters, 1/3 posers and 1/3 real gamers. On the real gamers these days they are jaded and hard to excite about anything. Role Players, Pkers and even the hack and slashers, seem to find Guild Wars, the Mud, even Call of Duty the same old stuff. We need something new and exciting. Or maybe just something to spark our imaginations again. I am finding that smaller more intense stories with less gameplay time required are more interesting. Perhaps that is the problem - few games leave me wanting more. The ones that do seem to be great ideas but lack greatly in the technical stability department.
Chaos Monkey goes to school this fall, I am looking for a job and to relocate. Once she does I think my next project will be building a gaming machine. So Who likes what for motherboards, processors, video and sound cards? I am open to any and all suggestions.