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Ocean's 13 Review, Finally

Ok here we go, sorry this is so late but you know the movie is probably comming to DVD soon so this review should help you to figure out if you want to see it or not. I was pleasantly surprised about this movie, I was expecting it to be bad or just eh but it was pretty good a lot like the first one in that it was really good. I can't really tell if it was better than the first but it was close, which was a good thing seeing how bad the second one was. There were no romances, no going to Europe just a story of revenge of the 12 (not 13 ike the title would suggest), but not even 12 there was a few smaller roles to play in the scheme, against Al Pacino's character. He had basically hurt a good friend of theirs and they all wanted revenge of the money varity, seeing how powerful and rich the guy was. Al's character was a hard casino owner the who ran his casino's and hotel's with an iron fist that OCean's crew of corse ruined. The only thing I didn't like about the whole movie was that at time's the movie seemed slow, I don't know why but I was expecting it to fast paced like Las Vegas. Also it used a lot of stuff from the previous movies as jokes or whatever which didn't make it bad just felt a little lazy, although it might have been used again as comedy being seen again but it didn't seem right. The movie was fun and funny and seeing the crew still something that wasn't an egg was great along with the fact that Julia Roberts wasn't in it (shock she wasn't in it I was surprised as well), not that she wasn't good I just wasn't in the mood for a love story,it was a great movie to see over the summer. I don't want to give away too much, not that I remember it all, but it was a fun movie to watch and I would reccomend you to see it with an 8.5 out of 10.


Smash Brothers Brawl News:

Look who has Un-Wrapped himself to the World of Brawl

Well it may not be huge news since we already knew this but Snake has finally been offically announced as a character in Brawl and he has some awesome moves other than jumping out of a box and to see them all go to http://www.smashbros.com/ so there yoou go have fun with that.