PLaystation 3
by Zguntype0 on Comments
I so can't wait to get the PS3 but there are those out there who like to put it down and to those I say for shame. Don't get me wrong the Xbox 360 is an Ok console with only one good game yes I said only one cough...Gears of War...cough. I am not being a fanboy here either by stating that I want the PS3 I just want the PS3 more than the Wii and I just don't care about the 360 because I just have to wait awhile and get all their good games on the PC. I don't think I am making much sense here so I guess this is just venting or ranting but anyway let it continue. I may not agree with those who put down the PS3 but I will defend your right to say it unless your a otal idot and have nothing to back up your views. Its not that I don't like the 360 its just I have never played it and being a sony fan I feel I must not like it or get it unless I am playing at a friends house then I may like it. I know I am making no sense at all sorry I am writing this at like 12 am why just because I feel like it. I hate the way people put down sony's online stuff hey it is only starting off and they can easily make it better and its free, free stuff is great but first you have to dish out the 600 dollars ouch I think my wallet just broke. But when you factor the cost of the internet into the Xbox 360 it will balance out in a year or so. Sure the first few games for the PS3 may not be the best but hey when are launch games the best but resistance is good.For example the Wii launch titles really only have the new Zelda game no offense to the other games but the only ones I have heard of are Red Steel and Zelda and Red Steel didn't get that great of ratings. The PS3 does have Resistance which looks and is sweet but I can't wait for MGS or FFXIII both of them so the great games for the Ps3 will be rolling in soon enough but the Xbox 360 finally got its great game recently with gears of war which looks great so I think I will get it when Microsoft releases it on the PC. Although I really want the PS3 it just isn't within my pricerange for right now and I don't think I will be getting it for Christmas with college coming up in two years (I am a junior) and my parents already told me I wouldn't be so you know. I may very well be getting the Wii before the PS3 oh yeah by the way I like the Wii it just worries me if there will be games for it in a couple years seeing what happened withe the gamecube. Well consider this rant offically over. Phew I am going to sleep.