I am writing this as almost a look back of sorts, looking back at what once was my profile, well I guess it still is but it feels like it no longer is. It has been I believe two plus years since I logged onto my profile on Gamespot and boy has my taste in games changed. I used to be a big RPG fan but now the only ones I am currently playing are Fallout 3 and Persona 4. I am now much more into first person shooters like Resistance 2, Killzone 2, and of course Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, although I still look forward to the new Final Fantasies and Kingdom Hearts I feel my desire to play those games haven't wanned. Any way I am here to say that I have moved on and now have a username at Giant Bomb. My username is Boom_goes_the_dynamite so yeah I reccomend Giant Bomb intensely, it is just so much fun there that it should be illegal. So yeah thats it I guess, if I remember I may occassionally log back on but I doubt it sorry, so in case I don't see you good afternoon good evening and good night. (Truman Show, good movie)
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