7 years later and it's still ridiculously simplistic with a handful of content. About 9 hours into the game I was bored to tears. Sadly I paid money for it back in 2010.
Day before a COD game comes out: "Gamespot is a great site!"
The day a COD game comes out: "Gamespot Sucks their reviews suck it's not even a real website trololololololololol"
We all knew it was going to get a score it didn't deserve. Quit acting so shocked about it and stop pretending you've played the game. "lol this game is sooooo bad just like the last one!" Then why did you buy it?
I get treated like garbage all the time when I play games. Hell, I get treated like garbage when I'm not playing games. Why is it that when a female gets treated poorly it's a big deal? I have yet to see this "sexism" while playing games. I've played with and talked to hundreds of girl gamers and I haven't seen this sexism I hear so much about.
Is this really sexism? Or is it insecurity? You shouldn't care about any of this. Mute the players who are harassing you.
Pretty refreshing to see a woman that doesn't go around blaming men for the problems in the world. We live in a world where sexism is no longer a barrier for women in the workplace. This isn't the 1950, how it WAS is irrelevant to how is IS.
And who even cares? Seriously, why does anybody care when there's a career field consisting mostly of men, but when it's the other way around it's no problem? Seems more like insecurity than anything...
That was pathetic. If Journey was the best gaming experience the Gamespot crew had for the whole year, I highly doubt they played all of the nominees. Journey was better than Dishonored? Better than Halo 4? Better than GW2? Give me a break. Did anyone even consider how ridiculously short this game was?
Zhalor's comments