@somatzu All those that aren´t retarded enough to get stuck with past conceptions. A lot has changed since XOne´s announcement, but we still have blind ones that thinks by emotion, not reason.
I don't see your point. I said that only the player that is actually playing can use voice commands on new Kinect. No one else can disturb you this way.You can always pause if you want, but what does it matter with Kinect?And please, you don't need to be agressive to make your point.
Simple examples of gameplay: 1 - you ask your teamates to do something while you're doing something else or in a firefight; 2 - conversation options: you can role play and say the sentences you choose, by yourself; 3 - ask for inventory itens without pause and search; 4 - quicksave; 5 - make noise for enemies distraction.
A lot more can be done. It really increases game immersion. You should try.
I see teams build: a guy that will only use proximity mines. He's partner will only use pistols. A third one will only try to make melee kills. Try a team work? Try to win with best efforts? No, it doesn't matter.
We want multiplayer for a good fight with every player doing it's best to win. Not a stunt scene with players doing only weird things to evolve, as a good win doesn't matter anymore.
Just because we want multiplayer for a good fight with every player doing it's best to win. Not a stunt scene with players doing only weird things to evolve, as a good winning doesn't matter anymore.
Zicoroen's comments