I'm on the road now.
by Zidaneski on Comments
Well today was the second time I got to be behind the wheel and of course someone 25 years of age or older has to accompany you, in this case my dad. Fortunatly I didn't hit anything and only one person honked at me:D. The fastest I went was forty mph so no I didn't go on the freeway, it'll probably be a while till I get on the freeway cause most people in southern California drive like maniacs. I'm still getting use to the "controls", my dad tried to illastrate the idea of learning the controls to a racing game.......thats a bad anology, cause the other day I was playing Burnout 3.....and I crash like 10 times per race. My dad told me that I'm doing pretty good. Although I know I need to work on making the ride smoother for my passengers, got to work on thouse k-turns and I need a lot of work in pulling into my own driveway. I may be still in one piece but I still have a long ways to go till I get my license; just 49 hours and 30 minutes of driving to go!