Wait.. Wait... Gamespot is trying not to make it obvious what they favor more? I'm confused. I thought they were trying to hide how bias they are over sony's console. This is just plain weird, because it seems like they totally called it crap right here.. Huh...
@tachsniper, you are obviously are just an ignorant hater who is a fanboy of someone else (obviously again). If you were to actually pay attention, or play FF VII, you would find out that Sephiroth DID search for answers. He read for DAYS trying to find out the origin of Jenovah, what happened, and what does that make him. Others users here also have stated facts and examples for you to understand. He didn't just randomly come up to a conclusion, you're just so wrong that it just goes to show why no one probably listens to you. Not only is Sephiroth a villain, but he also use to be a great hero that was looked up to and respected. You prefer Kefka? That's cool, others prefer Sephiroth. You want to whine about it and say he's overrated (everyone who whines about him in general)? Why exactly? Because you don't like him and others do? Yah, keep it to yourself. Thank you. :)
The 360 has the better overall "graphics card". The PS3 however has blue-ray. The 360 has the better graphics, but the ps3 has the space to make the graphics better. Is it me, or is gamespot just doing this to try to bash the ps3 (once again). Also, did anyone notice some of this pics are bs? I checked SC 4 and MK, the resolution looks nothing like their on mine (for the ps3).
Lol batmanX, if I'm not mistaken, you tried to pull a quick one. You said the Xbox can run 1080, just like the ps3. Try to clarify yourself a bit better, and have more detail in which you are actually talking about. 1080i =/= 1080p, have you ever had a ps3?
ZikenX's comments