we gots us an honors u.s. history exam tomorrow, and I've got it nailed down tight. I know world war two like the back of me hand, from anzio to the battle of britain to the battle of guadalcanal to the battle at leyte gulf to the bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki. I know it even so much as to this.
Axis Powers:
Germany: leader-Adolf Hitler, Government type: Nationalist socialism.
Italy: leader- Benito Mussolini, Government type: Facism
Japan: leader- Emperor Hirohito, goverment type: parliamentary democracy.
U.S.: leader- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, government type: Capitalist Democratic Republic
Britain: leader- Winston Churchill, government type: parliamentary democracy
I know there were more Allies than that, but I don't feel like mentioning them, 'cuz I'm lazy. but yeah, finals are tomorrow and here I am, up late and studying. tomorrow- honors u.s. history, friday-japanese and honors biology, monday-algebra, tuesday-honors english 9.
which boils down to a total of 15 hours worth of sitting there with a pencil, and even more studying.
goddammit -____-
oh, yeah, I got back me card for what classes I'm taking next year
first semester- Honors English 10 A, Geometry A, Japanese 2 A, Honors Astrology A, AP NSL Government A, Soccer/Football, and T.V. Production A
Second Semester- Honors English 10 B, Geometry B, Japanese 2 B, Honoros Astrology B, AP NSL Government, Street Hockey, and Health B
not really a bad line-up, if you ask me
pfffffft, you know how far behind in math I am? I'm such a moron, some of you know that I just finished my second year of algebra...hoping I passed...again. thank you aristotle or whoever it was that made up the principles of math!
that bastard.
I MISSED THE COLBERT REPORT TONIGHT!!! TEH O NOES!!! but I vow, from here on out, that I shan't miss another episode of the Report, as it is, indeed a godly show, as Ioden can firmly verify.
seventy-five bucks, people, that's how much it was to get a yearbook, so I got it....
you'll never guess what
I'm not even in it! not a single mention! they didn't even include the anime club!
those communist bastards in the yearbook club
you see nothing...