@Ultimate_Noob: I can't see how it's too little too late. The game was a commercial success already. It isn't like they added mod support to prop up a game that was dying and never sold well. This was something a bunch of devs worked on in their spare time.
@zerohournow: Yes, I get it.... When someone proves you wrong you resort to elementary school name calling. I'll say this one more time in language even a child can understand. Garona is a key part of the story. You wouldn't have removed Hermione from the Harry Potter movies just because Emma Watson is hot, would you?
@zerohournow: Garona is a legend among the Warcraft universe. She is one of the greatest assassins in the history of Warcraft. She has been around LONG before this movie was even thought of. Hell I remember getting her ring as a drop in Karazhan in BC(that was in 2006). To not have her in the movie would be omitting a huge part of history. Throw "reason" in quotes all you like, she belongs in this movie.
I don't mind weight or inventory limits. What I can't stand is games that don't provide some sort of long term storage, or limit it severely by either size or accessibility. I can understand not having a long term storage solution in games that specifically revolve around small inventories such as survival games. However, games like WoW, where there is a near endless supply of things you may want to keep, and extremely limited space to do so, really tick me off.
Granted in Legion they are adding a Wardrobe system similar to that in Guild Wars 2 which should free up like 75% of my inventory and storage, considering a good chunk of it is gear collected over the years that I want to save for transmog. Still though, I am certain they will fins something else to fill all those empty slots.
@Itzsfo0: Wow. I'd take all that energy you spent making that comment and put it towards an English education. Pressing enter every 100 sentences does not make a paragraph.
Zipper761882's comments