The amazon was always my fav. level back in the day... well that and the snow level. Can't wait for this to come out later this year!!!
Oh I'm sure they're there. How could you remake DuckTales without having the ever fun Amazon and extremely memorable music from the Moon level?
Oh man I just loved this game as a kid!!! Absolutely the one and only nes game I’ve missed over the years. I'm definitely going to pick this up!!!
God, I remember playing pitfall for hours on my Atari as a kid. Goodbye old friend and thanks for the memories.
God I love these games, Ocarina of Time by far the best in the series. All I can say is: keep up the good work nintendo, keep up the good work : )
Hell yeah, I've waited seven years for this game, not only is it my favorite fighter, but hands down one of my favorite game series!! (I sure hope they didn't screw it up though). Can't wait for Sept. 25.Go Kasumi
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