Working on a new mod its called the War Monkey.(Still working on the other mods just this crept up and came alive!)
Primary is a slow steady and pretty accurate shot compared to the UT assault rifle.
Secondary fire is a faster wild shot that grows more spread over time.
It uses AR ammo at a max of 200 per weapon, the War Monkey Special I am working on uses Mini Gun ammo as well but it locks out the Mini gun thus resulting is he MG having some odd ammo issues I have managed to patch the MG some put for the most part you lose MG it matters dual War monkeys will cut through anything...
Click on any picture for the full picture
Video: (note still working on my site so videos are simple...and crappy)
The Mongoose is the first WM design I scraped it and am using the above but the Mongoose is becoming its own weapon
Very slow primary fire and a adjustable speed flack chunk bullet that is twice as powerful as the primary both modes pack a punch and knock targets around.
Video: (note still working on my site so videos are simple...and crappy)
Also I have been writing alot as well nothing coherent to show on my writing projects tho :P now on my fanlyric projects I have soem work done.
I will beta lyrics
And near final diamond crevasse Lyrics with some polished out real folk blues lyrics.