Major Nelson Gargles Greg Canessa's Jewels
by Zkeptik on Comments
I don't usually post short angry rants like these but I had to call him and Major Wedgie on it. I heard Major Nelson in the beginning of his November 7th podcast mention that he was going to get information regarding the Lumines confusion and I thought GREAT, A REFUND! Greg Canessa had the freakin' balls of steal to say that the $15 standard Lumines Live offered the SAME amount of gameplay as Lumines on the PSP. Is he aware that the puzzle and multiplayer is limited to a couple of levels until you "unlock/get reamed/pay" for the packs? In fact he went on to say it offered even MORE because it gave you the "ability" to add more to it and play over Live. I tried playing it over Live. Imagine playing Tetris at 5 frames per second. Now try it with the 360's digital cross. Anyway, Major Nelson just stood by and was satisfied with his answer. I can see the dribble on Larry Hryb's chin now. "You are not going to have to purchase extra content to complete the gaming experience (found on other consoles.)" Major Nelson Has he ever played Lumines on the PSP?