ZodofWar / Member

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Here I go, again on my own...(kinda)

Despite the fact that I have been looking forward to Arkham City since the moment I finished the last(and worst)boss fight of Arkham Asylum, I still find myself looking past the grimaced face and sharpened ears of Batman's cowl, and looking to the horned helmet of the fast approaching, but yet still not approaching fast enough, Skyrim. It's gotten so bad that when I type S-K into my phone, auto correct does not give me SKY, or SKI, but SKYRIM. Because I do not text people about the sky, and I do not ski, but I do send a great amount of texts regarding what choices I am going to make at the start of the character creation screen. Should I go Orc and utilize the berserker rage that fueled my last Orc character? Or should I give in to the urge to make the biggest, baddest Viking Nord since 13th warrior's Buliwyf? Do I make an argonian and watch as anyone who swims after me suffers at their inability to breath under water, or do I put all of my talents into a Khajit warrior, with sharpened claws at the ready for any and all attackers? Is ancestors wrath(the ability to surround yourself in fire)enough of a reason to pick a dark elf, or is the voice of the emperor enough of a reason to traverse the landscape of skyrim as an Imperial? The answers to these questions, is yes. As there is not a single reason why I should pick any of these races over any of these races. But there is a single reason as to why I will make, and play, a character of every single race....Because I want to. I want to see how the towns people treat me as an orc, and an imperial. I want to know if a wood elf, a dark elf, and a high elf are really that much different from one another(they are). I want to feel the might of a Nord, and I want to laugh as my Breton absorbs magics. I want one. I Want ALL. And so does my wife...Which means while I want a copy of Skyrim...I'm going to NEED two. Which, presents another problem. When I played Oblivion, I did so by myself. Yes, I was in a relationship at the time, and that relationship, but she wasn't into video games. In fact, she hated oblivion. I can remember more than once, She'd text me, or call me, that she'd be by to pick me up to go do something not anywhere near as interesting as oblivion. And I'd say sure. Sure. Sure I'll try to be ready by then...BUT THESE GUARDS JUST KILLED MY HORSE! No. Seriously. She told me she'd be by my house at 10. It was 8. I decided to turn the xbox on, and take my shower, so that I could play when I got out. But my hot water took a minute to warm up, so I figured I'd just let it heat up while I go through my inventory.... TWO HOURS LATER...I'm still in my underwear, the hot water has run out, and my girlfriend is incredibly pissed because I'm more upset about a video game horse being dead than I am at her being mad at me. Truth be told, I still miss that horse. But now...NOW...My wife is playing Oblivion right behind me, if only to get back into the swing for Skyrim. We have full on conversations about race choices, and who will get the bigger Tv first. She talks about making her mage from WoW, and I contemplate if I can construct a decent looking Skaar out of an Orc. And while all of these conversations and ideas are all well and good, there is one problem. When I played Skyrim by myself, there was no one around to tell me about things I had yet found. I discovered the world, and all in it. Now, now I have to try and not look at her map while she's playing, So I can obtain whatever it is that she has obtained, only faster because I know where it is now. I can almost hear the arguments over the Skyrim Guide, and who gets to have it in front of them. I can smell the dinner burning as we both forget about food, and wonder about dragon shouts. I can see the future, and there isn't much in the way Slyrimless activities...And I wouldn't have it any other way. Although this time, I hope I shower more...