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Trying to get back into gaming/Fallout 3 gaming blog #1

Hey Gamespot!

I haven't been gaming nearly as much as I should over the past several months. It happens; it's the typcial story... you get too busy with work, school, etc. etc. etc. and at the end of the day there's just no time. For my "new year's resolution", I want to change all that. My goal is to completely finish one of my games that have been collecting dust over the past semester or so. Since, I've actually beaten most of my Wii games, I'm going to be concentrating mostly on my PS3 collection. So, by "completely finishing" I mean earning the Platinum trophy. Something I've never done with a game before ever.

Since all the best new year's resolutions start early, I've chosen Fallout 3 for December '09. My real goal is to finish in time for Christmas, so I can concentrate on Assasssin's Creed 2 and/or Batman: Arkham Asylum, but I'm not expecting to really finish until January. I want to beat the basic game with the Platinum trophy by the end of December. I'll worry about the expansions later.

I'll update y'all with my progress along the way. So far I've gotten out of the Vault, visited Megaton, done the Blood Ties sidequest, and started on Moira's sidequests. This is a game I got last Christmas, and, although I poured a good number of hours into it, I don't really feel that I explored it like I could/should have. So, I'm doing it now. Maybe I'll download all the expansions at a later month and work on those, or maybe not.

If you've got any game reccommendations feel free to post them. There's a good chance I already own the game you're reccomending. Though, I can tell you right now that January's game is probably going to be Assassin's Creed 2 and February's Batman. But, I'm always open to suggestions.

- Zombie_eric