What I really didn't like about BioShock 2's story is that there was no big twist to it like there was in the first.
Zombie_Eric's forum posts
If you're bored with gaming just take a break for a little while. I tend to go through periods of nonstop gaming and then get bored so I hardly play at all, but then I always end up picking it back up after a few weeks. I'm 20 btw, since you asked for ages.
If I enjoy a game I'll keep it, but if I didn't really care for a game I'll trade it in. I like building a collection, but I want it to reflect my tastes as a gamer as well. I don't think that keeping all the games that I tried but didn't like would do that.
I extremely regret buying Madworld at full-price, most overrated game I've played this year hands down. My copy's been up for sale for a month now but still no buyer.Aero5555
Same! I beat it in two sittings. And even in that short amount of time I thought it became a chore to finish. I haven't bought a Wii game since. I've been trying to get better about waiting for price drops, reviews to come out, etc.
Mediocre sales for IMO a mediocre game. Better than resounding sales for a terrible game (talking to you Wii Play).
No. They'd rather add motion controls and charge you $30 for them. But its backwards compatible and you can probably find whatever GCN games your looking for cheap on ebay or elsewhere.
We're just starting to get some good PS1 games. FF7 and MGS are coming up soon! :D So, I think it'll be awhile before they start coming out with PS2 games. They might do it once they phase out the PS2 and backwards compatible models of the PS3 in a few years.
I think its either Mario Galaxy 2 or Paper Mario 3.
Its very likely that they've been working on a new Paper Mario game for a while now, since the last one is five years old unless you count Super Paper Mario, which is over two years old anyway and a completely different genre of gameplay.
Or... it could be Galaxy 2. It was a big gap between Sunshine and Galaxy sure, but if they keep the Galaxy formula (travelling across different planets and such) and just change the kind of costumes Mario can use, the galaxies he explores, etc. it probably wouldn't take too long to produce a sequel. Probably about 2 years, so... this holiday season.
I don't think its a Party or Golf or Tennis title because Nintendo said they want to SELL more Wiis in Japan and I don't think any of those types of games would get the job done.
Of course, it could be Mario RPG 2, but I'm not holding my breath for that one.
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