I've noticed over the years, and even more so in the last few months that people seem to think that because you can't see the person you're talking to on a message board, a forum, or an instant messenger, that you can be as rude, or as mean to them as you like. Well here's what you should keep in mind, that person behind the keyboard is someone just like you, that person is typing with a plastic keyboard, looking at a computer screen, and sitting just like you. They have feelings, they breath, they eat, and they sleep just like you. You are bNOT/b better than a person because you can type better, because your score is higher in a game, because of were you live, because of your race, you launguage, or anything of the sort. When you insult someone all you're doing is showing how immature you are, and that you're willing to show it publicly. You'll never prove that you're better than someone else, you'll never show what you can really be, and do when you're just constantly insulting someone. I know you've heard the saying, and it's cliche' but it's very true. (Arguing on the internet is like the special olympics, in the end you're both retarded).
Also think about the person you're insulting, or talking down to. Do YOU want to be treated the way you're treating others? Do YOU really care if someone on the other side of the world has a better score at a game than you? Once you step away from that computer what satisfaction do you gain from making someone feel like their life means nothing, especially a person you've never met, and never will meet? Is it something you go brag about to your friends? Do they care that you called someone a noob four hundred times? Do they care that you ruined a person's day that none of you even really know? What about your family? What do you suppose they think of you sitting around and insulting people on a constant basis? I'm sure it's something that you'll brag about to your kids in 15 years. I'm positive it'll make them very proud of their parents.
In short be nice to people even if you have no reason to. It's so much a better feeling to know you made someone smile, than if you upset them or worse yet actually made them cry. (yes some people are too sensitive, but ti's something you have to consider). If you can't be nice, or at least add something meaningful to a conversation, then don't talk. Things are better off that way.
Zorlac Blog
Metroid Prime 2
by Zorlac on Comments
Today my dear Lucy bought me Metroid Prime 2 Echos for the Gamecube.
Spawn Figures!!
by Zorlac on Comments
12/18/04 I got the Wings of Redemption Spawn figure, which is possibly one of McFarlane's best figures ever. I like it, a LOT!
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