@demonkingx5 @Zoza24 @LiquidGold Just Mark my words, i know it, because its F2P.And PS4 Support F2P games, Warframe is no different.
@75_Andi_75 It aquires kinect and a constant internet connection?, and Block used games?. well thats the least compelling..
@bubba_1988 @Zoza24 @jcnba28 Im sure those games will sell, but does that really means more Wii-U outselling the PS4?. I dont think so. At this rate, Nintendo isnt doing well. And it takes a lot of efford to bring back those consumers.
@jcnba28 @Zoza24 And now that people are figuring out that There isnt much for third party support..Now they have a system probably on dependent on first party games.
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