Hey evey body i got a ipod touch 16gb for christmas:D i was on youtube one day and i had modded my xbox, and my PSP so i was wandering if u could mod a ipod touch. i was exstremly shocked that their was a way to modd a ipod touch. the term is jailbreaking. i had a ipod version 1.1.4 so befor i jail broke it i had to downgrade it to 1.1.1. So after 3 hours of hard work i finaly was able to downgrade my ipod and jail break it and re-upgrade back to 1.1.4 and jail break it again. if u have a ipod touch and want to jail break it or your not shure if u want to or not just send me a PM and il answer any questions u have. I swear i have to be the luckest kid in the world the day after i jail broke my ipod i had a english project due. the project was to make a video on how to do something so i recorded myself jailbreaking my ipod and turned it in as a english project. i an going to put that video on youtube for anyone and everyone to se my video i hope to get it up soon my accont name is greyhounds24 so i hope u all enjoy my video thx
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