Do you want me to admit to it? FINE! I'm getting old... well, twenty-two is old to people who are twenty-one. And I'm twenty-one, going on twenty-two, so I feel incredibly old. Why do I bring this up? Well, in my hastened decline in years I've found an odd side to my heart: the pacifist.
Yes, oh dear Lord, I have become my greatest enemy. I miss my High School years when I had liberty spikes and played bass in an irish punk band. I got drunk so much I only remember a few of those nights, but that's not the point. I was the video evidence to prove it happened and thus I hold onto it like a prize. Unfortunately, now as I descend into my senior years, I have found myself changing as a human being. Yep, I am evolving.
Firstly, and clearly most importantly, I actually want a bank account. I'm ont entirely sure why, but those free checks you get whenever you sign up sounds like a good deal. Secondly, I am finding myself feeling bad whenever I play a horribly violent video game. Yep, I'm becoming my worst nightmare: my parents. Now, keep in mind that this does not stretch into my Call of Duty time, I actually still quite enjoy killing me some Nazi Zombies. That, however, is different... not sure why, exactly. Nevertheless, Call of Duty is off limits to my morality.
So why am I posting this? Well, maybe I'm becoming too sensitive, but I've grown real shocked as of late at the horrible amount of games coming out which have little to do with actual fun and instead revolve entirely around violence. Prototype, for example, is a game based entirely around the so-called hero, Alex Mercer, who kills thousands of American soldiers, New Yorkers, and zombies. What did the zombies ever do to you, Mr. Mercer?! The game is bland, boring, repetitive, and, worse yet, has an Emo for a protagonist. By the way, since when are protagonists clumped in the same pack as mass murderers?
It just seems like the game industry is very quickly becoming little more than an actual rap song, sans the black people. No, I did not mean that in a racist way. I'm just convinced that black protagonists must be side kicks or, at the very best, stereotypes forced into the role of the gangsta pimp. God damn it, I am becoming more like my parents. Alright, let's do a new comparison: games like Prototype are very quickly becoming to the game industry what German Scheisser is to porn; shocking, disgusting, and clearly unhealthy.
God damn it, I sound exactly like my parents now.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say we shouldn't be allowed to play, make, or think up games like this. Actually I am in full support of both it being designed and sold to mass audiences. I am just not a fan of it myself and I have to wander whether or not its because I am becoming far more mature than I was when I was fourteen and could get away with the slaughter of thousands.
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