Zyphra22 / Member

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My views and experience on the Halo Reach Beta :D

Ok, awsome might be an understament for the improvement in Halos multiplayer... Ive play most of the the grab bag modes, btu mostly slayer and the most rewarding thing to happen is an assinate kill, like really having a mini scene rippiping somones back apart = pure awsome!.

For those who don't know how to obtained the beta, get a copy of odst campaign disk and click play the beta takes an hour or so to download though so make sure you have time.

Once you login i suggest starting off playign slayer to get used to the new control scheme, which is my main scheme forhalo :D. The right bumper melee is super easy and the left bumper item use is much more convient then the colored buttons in my opinon. But ok the scout is for sprinting, pick up a energy sword or gravity hammer and sprint to an enemy then melee for kill. the guard i havent seen much cool stuff from except killing them. i highly enjoy watching them guard then right before it end throwing a grenade so when it ends they die. the stalker is by far my favorite, rouges on halo? yes sir! best was to get the awsome looking assassinate kills for sure crouching and sneaking up to a back and stab stab stab away. i absolutly love it. the airborne is my second favorite, taking a rilfe and flying to a high point that only other airbornes can get 2 and picking them off one by one. honestly it doesnt feel like halo anymore, but much more awsome i cant wait to see how the real multiplay pans out. the new guns are pretty sick too, the needle rifle = holy crap awsome. there is also this thing that locks on and shoots blue balls at an enemy(dont look at guns names sorry :/) but if ur not careful u explode too. the only other gun i like is the new start out gun, its a lot better and more fun and i can kill pretty well it so hunting for a gun isnt asnessicary but ones with scopes are still better.

overall the beta is worth playing and odst is down the35ish dollars used so why not??

Final Fantasy 13 and Final Fantasy Background(may contain spoliers)

Intro/ Background of the Final Fantasy series

Final Fantasy is a series of greatness and progress for the rpg genre(rpg= role playing game). With the ever changing battle systems and the deep chacter development few games stand against this series.There are a few games that progressed the series in different directions. The first installment in the series had a lot of great games to go up against, like sonic mario and mega man, but it stood on its own and its also the origin of the lengthy series. The next game that obtained such a numorus popularity and brought new gamers to the series was 7. Personally 7 was nothing compared to the other previous titles like 4(here in america 2 in japan), but it takes the credit for the most popular game in the series to date. While i disagree and beleive that 8 and 9 were much better games then 7, 7 still had a charm to it that took many people in to loving it.Now 10 10-2 and 12 were terrible games in the series, just plain terrible. I getcritizied for that statment so much but i will always stick to it. While i did beat 10 and 10-2, 12 was so terrible i couldn't bear toplay it. Though my bes friend(who has completly different tastes from me) loved it. Has the Final Fantasy frenchise finally hit a snag and is it possible for them to recover from it?

Final Fantasy 13, Is is worth it?

About 3 months ago my fiance put down $5 on FF13 where he works. I was undecided about the game at the time and still somewhat am, even after all the thought and research i've put in to it. Being so upset about the past 3 games in the series I didn't want to spend $60 on a terrible game, that i would hate. Since then i have been watching trailers and reading japanese reviews for the game and researching the storyline. I have to tell you, I am pretty excited to give this a go. The storyline look phenominal just as captivating as the past good games in the series. The l'cie are fighting against an overwhelming power int eh cocoon which has been thier home. The power(sorry cannt remember the name ever, there is little story that isnt in kanji online) wants to get rid of the l'cie and make them move from their home. It is really hard to piece together the storyline because most of the story spoilers are in japanese, go figure. The battle system ont eh other hand is made very public, its ATB(active time battle), but the catch is you only control one character. My main concern for not liking the game will be the battle system. You stack ablities like lets say you have 3 command places, you attack 3 times, but after you wait for the battle gage to fill back up. your other teammates are cpu controlled >.>. If it makes the game harder it might be fun but its not going to be your original ATB unfortunatly. The graphics look amazing and the character depth already sounds interesting and Lighting seems to be a strong leading character. The opening sequnce to the game make her look so badass its awsome. When my fiance pre ordered the game he also got a booklet, mini guide with it. The mini guide goes in depth about the battle system and has a few chapers of walkthrough, though i will never first play a game with a guide, icky. Overall i think the game might be able to bring the series back to its roots and as soon as i beat it i will be posting a review of the game. I look forward to March 9th so i can beast through the new Final Fantasy. :) Game on Guys