being super skinny is even worse than being fat. At least in America, people are considerate not to make fun of fat people. But they just go ahead and make fun of skinny people.
Yeah, I went through this in HS.Agreed. I graduated high school at 6' 135 lbs, and graduated university at 6'3 155 lbs. So I know what it's like to be tall and lanky. After university ended though, I finallly had time to focus putting on weight. And the best part about having no body fat, is when you finally put on muscle, you look like you are uber ripped, not from a lot of muscle, but from lack of fat.
Not many people, even muscular people, get to experience a 6-pack in their lives. But us skinny people have that chance. So I don't feel bad about having an uber fast metabolism (up to 175 since uni ended, the difference of whichis muscle).
UNI??????? You make me sick!
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