_BRIAN_ / Member

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_BRIAN_ Blog

What happend to Split Screen?!?!?!?!?!?!


If any Big @ss company that is developing a FPS right now, should read this blog.

One of the most Fun things about FPS/TPS is the Split Screen found in multiplayer mode. Now a days Companies are too F****** lazy to put it in. It seems that Online fights have taken over. I just want to fight my friends that doesn't have the games I have.

I own GTA 4, MGS 4/MGO, Turok, and Battlefield: Bad Company, and non of them has split screen. i own it a PS3 and the only games for it that I can think of that has Split Screen is War Hawk, and COD 4. I don't have them. I hope that Socom Confrontation will have Split Screen.

The World needs Split Screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who agrees with me?

I'm Back!

So I'm back from my Vacation. What did I miss?

Oh ya. I noticed that the Gamesot Webpage's Format is Dramatically Changed. is that for Everone or just me?


Ya. I'm leavin. 8)

for two weeks. everyone in GS take care and



Well. my Computer broke again.

But it's fixed now. I had too get a new hard drive so all my data is lost! I even missed most of E3!!! but atleast I can know be active again. :D

StarFox Vs. Wolf (SASN 5)

I made this Video back when myPS3 broke because I was really bored.(BTW my PS3 is all fine now)

This is a Film documenting myexprience to see Who is better. StarFox or Wolf. so I made them fight in Brawl in a best out of three match. Tell me what you think. :D

May contain Super Smash Bros Brawl Spoilers.


and now part two.


What do you Think. (Iknow It's kind of Glitchy. bare with it) :D

This Video is Brought to you by:

The StarFox Union

Where Barrel rolls aren't jokes but a way of life.

(I hope you don't mind the Ad Rafa):D

Ouch! My Life (SASN: Eddition 4)

I' so sad. =( (sad face)

By the eway this is another Eddition Super Awesome Sexy News.

I was playing my PS3 (MGS 4) Yesterday Without a care in the world. but today was another Story. Around noon I turned on my PS3 and it sad I needed to format my information. But if I format it I lose all my information. So right know I can't Play any PS3 game. =(

so i went on my Computer but Microsoft wasn't working. So I'm PS3 and Microsoft - less. Why does technologie hate me? So my only way to cope with this was too (no i didnt play my wii) I played My N64.

Well that's life for you.

Paper Time, (SASN: Eddition 3)

You Heard It's the third Eddition of The, Super, Awesome, Sexy, News.

This Blog is a slight rip-off of dfrm13's previous blog. I even stole his title. His Title was Kirby time and mine is Paper Time. His blog Is mainly about his Clock Kirby but this one is about my Awesome Paper Mario Clock.

So about have a year ago I finnished constructing my paper Mario Clock in Wood-Shop. And let me just say That it is Kick @ss!!! I screwed up in the painting part at some point espessialy The "M" on his Hat. Mainly Because I had 5 minites intill the end of the project and I didn't even start on the hat. and at the begining I acedentaly gave him red overalls with a blue shirt :P. Any ways this is the end result.

Paper Mario Clock

You Like? I Do!

Dapie Tagged Me!!!

So...Dapie tagged me. I'll take my revenge one day, but for now Here's 10 things you don't know.

1. Brian is my middle name.:shock:

2. I Think Micro-Soft has no buissness in Video games.

3. I've never been in an I-Hop, and I don't have a I-pod or a MP3.

4. I've Loitered in an no Loitering zone.

5. I Think Nintendo and Konami are the best Video game companies ever.

6. I'm obessed with a few animes!!! and My 80x80 icon is a pic of Ichigo from Bleach but with the opposite colour.

7. The Wii and PS3 might be the last generation of consloes that i'm going to buy.

8. I prefer Smack Down over Raw and WWE over The UFC.

9. My favorite Simpson Character is Mole-Man and Comic-Book-Guy.

10. I don't like Root Beer or McDonald.

There's my 10.

next I'm going to tag ArmyGuy0628, GreatGonzales, Allikiza. and I might..........tag Dapie again as revange to him tagging me.:twisted:

Super Awesome Sexy News! Edition 2: MGS

Yep. You heard it! Edition 2 of SASN (Super Awesome Sexy News). Edition 2 is about MGS.

Well...A few days ago (The day before MGS 4 came out) I beat MGS twin Snakes. Unlucky, I got the good ending when Meryl doesn't die. She annoys me a lot! Turns out Liquid dies from FoxDie! What a shame! Liquid is one of my favorite characters. He has an awesome accent. But the most tragic death Was........Gray Fox!!!!!!!The cyber ninja. I'm not going to any details.

In other MGS news.....I got and Pre-ordered MGS 4. it got 10/10 in GS and IGN. Theres to much too say about it that if I even start trying my head will explode! Let's just say, This is the most epic one out of them all (and I've played all of them exept MGS 2)

I'll continue to MGO. I don't know how It's like. i didn't play it yet. ask some who did. I'll try it after I beat MGS 4 so I don't run into any Spoilers.

That Reminds me, (may be a SPOILER I don't know yet) I haven't heard about anything about Metal Gear in MGS 4 yet. The only thing Metal Gear related is Metal Geear MK. II. That is the little Machine Otacon made to help Snake. It follows Snake through out the game helping him. It's tiny and Is called Metal Gear because it comes from the same design Metal Gear has (but It doesn't fire nukes).

(nice pic huh. I found it online)

That's MGS for you. It is one of, if not the best series of all time.

Super Awesome Sexy News!

This is a blog just to update you on what I've been during lately.

I finaly Pre-orderd MGS 4!!! Now to play the waiting game, hehehehe.

I recently past half-way through MGS Twin Snakes for the GC. What an awesome game. I faced the boss Sniper wolf for the 2nd time. I killed her. That cut scene was so sad. She was the leader of a pack of wolfs who howled when she died at night.

I didn't make that pic :(.

I read this article in GS about how in 2005 Hideo kojima (the creator of MGS) asked the creator of Kirby to make MGS 5 or what I call it, Metal Gear Kirby.

Metal Gear Kirby

Here's the artical. http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/adventure/metalgearsolid4/news.html?sid=6133825&mode=all

Ya so.....If your getting MGO, we'll meet on the battle feild. hehehehe.

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