_BRIAN_ / Member

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Super Awesome Sexy News! Edition 2: MGS

Yep. You heard it! Edition 2 of SASN (Super Awesome Sexy News). Edition 2 is about MGS.

Well...A few days ago (The day before MGS 4 came out) I beat MGS twin Snakes. Unlucky, I got the good ending when Meryl doesn't die. She annoys me a lot! Turns out Liquid dies from FoxDie! What a shame! Liquid is one of my favorite characters. He has an awesome accent. But the most tragic death Was........Gray Fox!!!!!!!The cyber ninja. I'm not going to any details.

In other MGS news.....I got and Pre-ordered MGS 4. it got 10/10 in GS and IGN. Theres to much too say about it that if I even start trying my head will explode! Let's just say, This is the most epic one out of them all (and I've played all of them exept MGS 2)

I'll continue to MGO. I don't know how It's like. i didn't play it yet. ask some who did. I'll try it after I beat MGS 4 so I don't run into any Spoilers.

That Reminds me, (may be a SPOILER I don't know yet) I haven't heard about anything about Metal Gear in MGS 4 yet. The only thing Metal Gear related is Metal Geear MK. II. That is the little Machine Otacon made to help Snake. It follows Snake through out the game helping him. It's tiny and Is called Metal Gear because it comes from the same design Metal Gear has (but It doesn't fire nukes).

(nice pic huh. I found it online)

That's MGS for you. It is one of, if not the best series of all time.