360 has the best games this generation by a country mile.
_CelticRed_'s forum posts
If system wars was a movie it would be a Uwe Boll movie and the only person acting in it would be Adam Sandler.
Rare are the kind of developer that MS needs to compete with Nintendo.Good at making family games and their games are ver much like Nintendo's. MS and Sony are moving towards family games with LBP , Mii type characters ect.
Rare have nothing to worry about
All religions are insane! But christianity has killed more people than all the others combined.
All religions are insane?, way to insult most of the people on earth with that ignorant comment.
Sept. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Microsoft Corp. doubled sales of the Xbox 360 video game machine last weekend after cutting the price by as much as 29 percent to narrow Nintendo Co.'s lead.
Retailers reported a 100 percent increase in sales for all models compared with the previous weekend, Redmond, Washington- based Microsoft said in an e-mailed statement. Some models sold at six times the previous weekend's rate. The company didn't say how many were sold.
The Sept. 5 price cut gave Microsoft a model that costs less than Nintendo's market-leading Wii for the first time.
Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 3, making inroads with new games and a Blu-ray DVD player, also beat the Xbox 360 in U.S. sales in June and July, according to NPD Group, a Port Washington, New York-based research firm.
Microsoft rose 34 cents to $26.44 at 4 p.m. New York time in Nasdaq Stock Market trading.
Don't know why people are writing off the 360, it's selling like hot cakes.
Obama And Mccain are in this one...
Looks about a million times more fun than GTA IV. Hope it turns out well.
Only game I ever got 1000 on was COD2, I also got all the achievements for Condemned, which is 970 for some reason. I've got 980 on COD4 and could probably do Mile High on veteran I just don't want the frustration of actually trying to do it at the moment.
I enjoyed Ace Combat 6 quite a lot, even though the story was really depressing and they said "dance with the angels" about 10 million times. Graphics were bloody amazing imo and online play is decent if you don't mind going up against some very good Japanese players, overall the game was better than I expected. As for HAWX doesn't look as good imo and I don't think we need another Ace Combat type game so soon, but if it's better then I'll buy it. I hope it's good.
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