If I seem stupid for asking this stuff, excuse me but I am confused. When I bought it I distinctly remember reading the back and reading that there's a status gauge on the dashboard that tells you how much charge it has, and I've yet to find it. Also, I'm not sure I understand what the lights mean, simply because sometimes the light wont come on at all when it's plugged in, which I had assumed meant that it was charged, but I unplugged it and the controller died. So what do the lights stand for?
Give it more than 10 minutes and you'll know what's up. Oblivion is just as if not as immersive and overwhelming as Morrowind was but when you put a little time into getting used to the world and how all the menu's work it goes like clockwork. Don't be afraid of learning.
It was short, and at some times aggrivating. But overall it was a good game. I was astonished by their attention to detail when making characters and environments. Every level feels different.
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