Not much to say -- I played Portal only recently with The Orange Box, and I was instantly hooked, faster than almost any other game I had ever played. If the amount of creative effort is the same, and they use the same writing team, I think Portal 2 could be GOTY. You monster.
Echh. Sephiroth. You know, his story is really cool, I actually like him as a character. Except for the way he looks. Just tell me how I'm supposed to take Gerard Wayiroth seriously. Of course, I think the best game villain was the entire McCready family from GTA 4. Not villains, you say? They single-handedly ruined the game for me. Thanks to them, the latter half of the game just bogged down until you were essentially just an errand boy for whoever wanted you, and your story went nowhere. I've never seen another villain that actually had the ability to cause suffering BEYOND THE FORTH WALL. For that, they beat all others.
This sucks for me... I was gonna use virtual reality for the game system I design... I suppose these glasses don't have cooling systems, or cool visual effects you could tack on. I figured this thing would cost AT LEAST $500.
_IronManDude_'s comments