Australian Kidult - There Ain't Nothing Else Like It...
by _Islander_ on Comments
Yesterday I finished watching the 26th and last episode of Cybergirl. Flippin' hell, that was a good show. Anyway, I thought to myself "Hmm, that was your most recent DVD import from good old Australia. Good old Australian kidult stuff. Hmm. I NEED MORE!!!". So, I started trying to remember what other shows I had watched recently, not so recently, and downright years ago that I quite enjoyed, and would like to see again. It was then that I stumbled across a rather nice site that listed a huge, huge number of Australian shows. I filtered it, and ended up with a list of shows that I had loved. And then I almost fainted. The list was 20 programmes long! 20! I watch too much TV :roll: Anyway's, this be the list: • Blue Water High • Chuck Finn • Cybergirl • Don't Blame the Koalas • Escape From Jupiter • The Genie From Down Under • Halfway Across The Galaxy and Turn Left • Legacy of the Silver Shadow • Noah & Saskia • Ocean Ocean Odyssey • Ocean Star • Out There • Pirate Islands • Return To Jupiter • Round The Twist • The Sleepover Club • Snobs • The Wayne Manifesto • Wicked Science • Worst Best Friends Out of those, my favourite by a long stretch would have to be Ocean Odyssey. Probably my favourite programme ever, to be honest. There were also a few others that I had heard of, but never watched: • H2O - Just Add Water • Parallax • Pig's Breakfast • Scooter: Secret Agent • Thunderstone Just Add Water, Scooter and Thunderstone are Jonathan M. Shiff productions - if you've read my blogs, you'll understand ;). In the end, I decided to buy Parallax, Escape from Jupiter, and Series 2 of Blue Water High. Parallax was shown on CBBC a few years back, and I really, really wanted to see it, but it was on digital, and I didn't have digital in those days :(. Escape from Jupiter was broadcast in 1994 - I only very vaguely remember watching it, but there are a few scenes from it stuck in my mind - I'm desparate to see what it was actually like. S1 of Blue Water High was shown on Shake (while it was actually amazing) a few years back, and I enjoyed it, but S2 hasn't been shown in the UK, so I'm curious. Don't get me wrong, there's some amazing, amazing UK kids stuff (Aquila springs heavily to mind, as does the Demon Headmaster), but other than these one or two cases, in general it just doesn't compare to the Australian stuff. They know what they're doing ;) Just before I go, a quick picture: [spoiler] This is after the End of Year show, by the Lake on campus. Basically, the whole Uni goes crazy for the whole night, and tries to kill themselves in a variety of different ways. Great fun for St. John! I do like Hi-Viz, though... [/spoiler] Islander out/