The Regeneration of Islander
by _Islander_ on Comments
To all contributors to the Doctor Who guide on, Sadly, my time as editor of this guide must come to an end. It is time for me to regenerate, and for Gislef to take his turn at the helm of this particular TARDIS. other words, it is with regret that I must resign from my position as editor of the Doctor Who guide. Really, I should have thought this through more carefully and resigned before the start of this current series, but unfortunately I didn't, and it cannot (and literally will not) wait until our mid-series pause. My reasons for resigning are three-fold. Firstly, and most pertinently, I simply don't have the time to do the job properly any more. I am currently training to be a Secondary Physics Teacher, and my work load is massive. Of course, come the new academic year when I'm a fully-fledged teacher, it will only increase. As editor of one of's most active guides, I should technically be dealing with submissions within three days. Really, it should be more like 12-odd hours. In reality, I'm leaving it longer, because I simply cannot find the time to process what are often well over 50 submissions for each episode directly after airing. As well as this, I don't have the time required to do a good job of moderating this forum. I have missed flare-ups in the past, and we have lost valuable members because of such incidents. Secondly, since moving from TV Tome to (is there actually anyone left who remembers TV Tome? It seems so, so far in the past now...), I have always been rather strongly against the method in which editors are chosen, or more specifically, replaced. I still am. I have put a huge amount of work into this guide over the past few years, and yet I am very close to being usurped by another editor. Does that mean count my contributions as worthless? Granted, the other editor has of course also put in a great deal of work, but I almost feel as if mine counts for nothing. If it did, I surely wouldn't be so quickly replaced. At least by actively 'retiring', I'll get the recognition of a 'retired' label, as kennyjs did when he retired. I must stress that this is a bugbear I have with the system, and definitely not any single user. Finally, and unfortunately in contrast to the last point, a bugbear with specific people. I have been treated extremely heavy-handedly by certain members, who feel that their contributions are more valid than others, and who have tried to make me believe that, in letting through very small, insignificant errors (such as an incorrect comma, or slight one-word misquotes), I am grossly failing at my (voluntary) job. Of course, this kinda links in well with my first post - I haven't had time to sit in front of each episode skipping back and forth to check each quote for point-perfect accuracy. Sadly, these members haven't been sympathetic to this; indeed, judging by the times that I receive PMs from them, (i.e. at any and every hour of the day and night), they must spend a great deal of time on this site, and clearly don't quite understand how someone else could be less active. Instead of showing even slight understanding, they have near-bullied me. Ironically, it should be mentioned that these members make plenty of small, insignificant mistakes in their own submissions. Is this a reason to reject them? Of course not, just as I don't reject others for this reason. The hypocrisy is quite palpable. Once I've retired, Gislef should take over as editor. I know him to be an extremely active contributor, and so no doubt he will do an excellent job. Since taking over the guide from kennyjs at the beginning of series 2, I have had a brilliant time and worked with brilliant people. I'll still be around now and then, and I still have a fair few other guides that I'm editor of, but let's be frank: I've not exactly been 'active' as of late, so chances are not much will change :P. Guys and gals, you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And you know what? So was I! Islander