Now that I can finally post link's, and pic's in my post's here it is... Whaddaya think?
8)Im Ridin Spinna'sThey Don't stop8)
_J-J-P_2006MVP Blog
Bases Loaded Reveiw
by _J-J-P_2006MVP on Comments
Crappy GFX, horrible sound, yet something about it pull's you in... Like the other reveiwer said it is highly addictive, and fun. I played this all the time when I was little, and I still do today with my old red Game Boy. If you play it, im sure you will have fun with it. The gameplay is excellent, and fun. I actually enhoy this much more than all those new Baseball video games, even though there is only two team's, it is good, and this makes it pick up and play. Truely an old school classic. I have no idea where you would even find this now aday's. Maybe at a yard sale, or on Ebay. OVERALL SCORE: 9.0
50+ games.... Will reveiw all!!!
by _J-J-P_2006MVP on Comments
I actually own 50+ games, & I work at Game Stop, so I can rent games for free. I am going to add them into my collection slowely, cause I want to reveiw every game I own.
MY PROFILE IS f***** UP!!!
by _J-J-P_2006MVP on Comments
At first it was annoing, but now im really pissed off this site has so much potential, yet it is so lame. I went to the tecnical forum many a time, but they said nothing was wrong with it. If that is true, why does it look screwed up to me, & every other gamespot member?
Charlotte NC Worst Pollution In South
by _J-J-P_2006MVP on Comments
I just found out the city I reside in has more pollution than even Atlanta, or Houston!!! Here is a pic. Notice how hazy it is. I wondered about this, cause ever sence I moved here, I noticed that when I would be driving down the street tree's in the distance on some day's were very blurry, and hard to see ( When I had my glasses on ) It's no L.A though, I hate that place it hurt's your eyes just to walk around on the street there.
GAME REVEIW: Banjo-Kazooie
by _J-J-P_2006MVP on Comments
To Reccomend this reveiw go to this URL: A Platformer Second to only Mario64, on the Nintendo 64. A pure instant classic. I remeber when this game came out. The graphic's were amazing, Excellent sound, incredibly fun. Truely State of the art technology for it's time, and the gameplay didnt dissapoint. If you buy this game you will have fun, and you will enjoy it. It is actually pretty addictive, and it is also a pretty long game, but not too long which makes it even more fun. _J-J-P_2006MVP RECCOMENDED BUYING METHOD: If you want this game, the best bet is to get it off Ebay, not Game Stop, at Game Stop it will cost like 10-15$, but online you can get it for like $2 for not only this game, but like 5 other classic N64 games with it.
GAME REVIEW: Americas Army ( PC )
by _J-J-P_2006MVP on Comments
To reccomend this reveiw go to this URL: Excellent Excellent game. Most impotantly of all it's free. So why don't you head over to DLX right now and find out. This game is by far the best free game ever created. Thank go the Army is interested in recruiting Gamer's to the battlefeild, that made them want to develop this high quality peice of software. The Graphic's on a 6600= Clean, stick a gig- o - ram on your rig, and your ready to own. Fast fun, great online play, and you can alway's find people to play with. Excellent sound's, Obviously the value is a 10, CAUSE IT'S FREEKIN FREE! _J-J-P_2006MVP RIG RECCOMENDATION'S: As with most computer games this thing is not pretty on a accelerator Chip, but if that all you got it is playable on lower setting's; _J-J-P_2006MVP RIG TOP PERFORMANCE NEED'S: If you have 512 MB of ram, and a 6600, or 6600GT you are good to go with this game on high setting's, anything better than that be prepared to crush the competetion.
Like my new sig?
by _J-J-P_2006MVP on Comments
I cant use pic's, or link's yet, so I think it's ok. *_-_-_-_-_-* The Officiall _J-J-P_2006MVP sig... Accept no wannabees *-_-_-_-_-_* HHRCU-4-LIFE PLAYAZ.... IM THE REAL JPP MOTHA******! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Young fella I will twist off your head, and spike it on the floor of a nightmare you can't even imagine. I will dance with you in the six sided ring of fire. Unless you move from this area, far, fast, and NOW!!! Chris FarleyR.I.P the master of physical comedy Chris Farley.
J.J.P's Profile W.A.L.T?
by _J-J-P_2006MVP on Comments
Right now im listening to Im a G - Bun B What are you listening to?
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