"Alex of Long Island, New York (7.0) Best match: Matt Hardy vs. Edge. Worst match: Pretty much everything else.
This week's episode of RAW would've gotten an eight were it not for one man: Chris Masters. This man is not ready, plain and simple. He's not completely without some positive qualities (and i'm being very generous when i say that), but he is far too underdeveloped as an all around performer to be anywhere near the main event. I guess after a year of non stop excitement, Shelton has been permanently relegated as the big cog in the machine. Let's see...... Masters has been on TV for almost 5 months now and he still has no heat. Shelton on the other hand, while not blowing the roof off when he walks down the aisle, connects with the fans in the ring. Here's a novel idea: push the latter. As cliche as Mcmahon bashing may be these days, what the hell is he drinking? How can anyone who tells Paul London pointblank that he can't work a match whilst pushing Chris Masters possibly still be in touch with the wrestling business? That's like telling a hot dog that it doesn't taste good with mustard and then putting mustard on a PB and J sandwich to eat immediately after. Onto the positves side of things, the Matt Hardy/Edge brawl was amazing, and in my opinion, Hardy's best single performance ever. Despite terrible booking decisions, Hardy has managed to keep his fanbase more or less intact, and it showed every single minute of this match. His comebacks coupled with his amazing selling job rivaled that of HBK. Johnny Ace must be steaming. I thought the ending was terrific and perfectly fitting. The idea of the match was that someone was going to get hurt, one way or the other, and someone did: both men. I wasn't too pleased with the Cena/Angle segment. Hopefully, they'll improve upon that in the coming weeks."