Well, it's been a while since I last wrote in this journal, and also a long time since I played FFVII, and, prompted by reading some story theory on FF Shrine and the upcoming release of an English Advent Children, I have decided to replay the game to refresh my memory. The only difference will be that this time it will be a low level game, with no levelling other than for bosses and enemy skills. I have just beaten Aps after Don Corneo's mansion, so I am looking forward to some nostalgia, and new understanding of various concepts due to the fact I am now older than when I first played it. For example, I only just realised how much of a pimp Don Corneo is (I haven't played it since I was 12 :)) I'll keep writing my progress here.
And, just a note to the couple of people who have left comments on previous posts, sorry I didn't reply to them: I never read them until now, sorry!
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