This could be a good thing for videogames actually. Seeing how cheap and profitable social games are, a lot of would-be crappy video game designers will opt to take the lower risk option of making a social game. Whereas the truly talented and dedicated artists of the industry will continue to make games they want to make (think Nintendo, Bioware, Epic, Squaresoft, Bethesda). I think that developers of lower caliber will start out in social games now, rather than try to enter the high stakes world of video game development. And in the end, this could cut down on the ridiculous amount of unpolished garbage we see released every month on our consoles and computer platforms. What will most likely happen within the next two years, game console accounts will become "completely" linkable to social networking sites like facebook. Ultimately every big game will have its own way of publishing crap to your profiles. Perhaps every achievement you make might become a wall post, or you can send out an invite to a game session from your console and have it appear on your wall. I don't know exactly, but you can be certain that there will be some very intimate interactions between consoles and facebook in the future.
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