Today I depart for the Iron Maiden concert in Trondheim. It will be awesome. I've never been to an Iron Maiden concert. I was at a Michael Jackson concert when I was about 10, and a Dream Theater concert when I was about 15. Both were in Oslo. I vaguely remember getting claustrophobic because of the crowd surrounding me, but it was probably because I was shorter than everyone else. :D
I've got money for gas, but not for food, beer and concert-stash. :'( Nevertheless, I think it will be a great experience. The weather is supposed to be good, at least no rain. My uncle lives in Trondheim, so I'll stay there tonight. Then on tuesday at 5pm(17:00) the concert is on! Iwonder who will do the warmup. Probably some unknown band from wherever. I'm just so psyched!:D