I've only got about 50 days left of my Plus membership. I keep thinking about Total Access. I'm trying to be more involved in gamespot, because it's a great website, and the adverts do bother me a bit. I even reviewed a game. I guess I'll see when money get's thrown my way.
So I was a little skeptical about E3 this year. All the talk about change; downsizing, and no public access got to me. Well, guess what. It had changed, but neither for better or for worse. It was more compact, with more focus on games and not booth babes. There were fewer companies there. It's amazing what that little chat window can do for a show. Especially room 0. I'm still waiting for the emblem. :D
I'm going to an Iron Maiden consert on Monday. It will be awesome! Too bad I have money shortages. No beer-money. :(
Well. That's it for now.