I mean seriously im tired of fanboys who say its "THE GREATEST GAME EVER MADE". Get real. the game was good for the first day if that. Multiplayer was great until all these 4-year olds thought they were the **** and wouldn't shut up it just caused me to stop playing. Also has anyone else noticed that the story is THE SAME DAMN THING EVERY GAME! Yea it was half decent the first time, but did they think the same exact story was gonna get any better the THIRD time. Also the graphics aren't even good. I know that this will get under alot of fanboys skin, and they'll be calling me a "Sony Fanboy". I will admit im a Sony fanboy. The PS3 is better in so many ways. One important reason is MGS4. BEST GAME ever, if it doesnt win Game of the Year then im going to kill someone. But don't get me wrong i love the 360, mainly because of gears of war. And Gears Of War 2 is the 360's last hope for "survival". So feel free to leave comments about how you feel about Halo 3 or anything else i mentioned.
and if you agree with me thank you for realizing the truth
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