Lately, one of the topics that i've seen mostly discussed is that the PS2 is "dead", this means if is it still worth the purchase. So I want to express my opinion.
Honestly i think the PS2 has still a lot to give to people like me, that don't constantly keep buying games and just get them from month to month or maybe more time. For those who have over 80 or 100 games and if they played the most loved games like Devil may cry or Metal gear, the PS2 has almost nothing to offer them. For those players who haven't played a lot of games and if they think the next-gen consoles are to expensive, the PS2 as plenty to offer until the the prices low. Still, if your PS2 brakes down, I don't think it's a good investiment to buy another one.
I will keep playing this console for a long time because there are so many games to try and now that I'm getting a swap DVD I will be able to play plenty of them. If you wan't to enjoy your PS2 to its maximum you should think of this option too.
Bye, _overdose