Now, I've been talking about my personal life here and forgot to talk about games so let's talk about them, shall we?
I've been playing Okami and Bully, mostly Okami because I'm almost in the end and it's getting very exciting now, Okami is that game that seems you have been playing it for ages but when you notice, you haven't progressed very much in the game. I played it for 5 hours yesterday and I'm with a total of 25 hours. I think the game has 30 hours so today or tomorrow I'm done with it.
Oh yes, I started played Hitman Contracts, I got a new DVD the other day but it has some kind of error when I start mission 5 so, damn it!
I'm now playing the shorter games so I'm not playing Rogue Galaxy; anyway I was stuck on a boss where I fight with Deego alone.
I can't wait to see DMC 4 review here on GS! IGN gave it an 8.7. I'm so hyped about this game and everybody else seems to be too! For the ones that are buying it, don't forget to tell me how good it is!