I havent even looked at the clan options yet, anyone recruiting?, I'm in Adelaide. Like chopper piloting, Specialist (and yes, i tag every tank i see! :) )or sniper. Most of my COD4 clan/buddies are in the USA and 1) that sux for lag (except california for some weird reason) and 2) I'm not sure if BF:BC is region locked. I'm not 100% but there was something about MGSO and only being able to play against certain regions (one more reason to not bother with it i guess) :(
Yeah I've had almost no lag problems (is this what that "Form" thing is, with the coloured triangle?) except late on a weeknight, I'm on wireless with an average connection too. Even when it's lagging, hit detection is def. better than COD4 was (which sucks for the people not lagging!) I know not all mics (bluetooth) work with the PS3, i got a 20 buck jabra that's always worked, but i bought a different fancy one that wouldn't work at all even tho it semed to in the Accessory Settings menu thing..
How come mics don't work? >haven't tried mine at all yet, though the couple of people i have heard do sound all distorted and f*&^&d up. Warhawk mics suck, MGSO mics suck (and MGSO is crap anyway) COD4 worked pretty good 90% of the time, and it improved the game out of sight cos of it. PSN: Year0
Its got a pretty cluey points system. I get the best scores when i actually do what you're meant to and directly attack or defend the gold boxes, rather than just playing it like a TDM. And stay with your unit! (the lighter blue ones). when you get team assist points etc etc, it's like double or so if the guy was a member of your unit (which gets randomly assigned, or if you invite friends an that). jump in vehicles with your unit, and when you kill someone you get xtra points on top (can't remember exactly how many, someone will know).
yeah... do you use a headset?Used to use one all the time on COD4, but haven't heard many people talking on bf:bc. I reckon it'll improve it 1000%, cos it's open to alot of tactics. I'd like to call in a chopper on the *(& whos got me pinned down :)
Thats what i was thinkin, coulda sworn i read in the book or somethin it did count, but i thought i killed a couple last time (bandanna). goin for Boss emblem,, definately glad i got solar gun first!!
Is there any way to see your game stats for MGS4 before you get to each 'end of act summary'? I know they scroll past in the briefings in the NOMAD, but i'm going for a 0 kill playthrough, and i've been wondering if i killed that frog hanging from the ceiling i accidentally shot :) ten seconds ago...
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