7 is the magic number. Scientists are telling us now that, due to research backed results, anything more or less than 7 hours of sleep is relatively bad for you. Let us assume that an average person follows this religiously, and then let us assume that he lives to be a ripe age-of-majority (I think) 75 years old.
That means that this average person spends about 191, 625 hours sleeping (not counting Leap-years). Not doing anything, and MAYBE he'll get a good dream out of it if he's lucky. But most people can't remember many of their dreams, and when they do, it feels so aloof that it doesn't seem like they've experienced it.
For me, that has always been unsettling uintil I discovered a place called Dream Views. Dream Views is an online community made up of Lucid Dreamers (people who have trained themselves to be aware when they are dreaming, and even control their dreams, or share them with other Lucid Dreamers). Sound anything like the new movie Inception? Well, here's a flash fact for you, Christopher Nolan (the director) has been lucid dreaming since he was 7 years old. Anyhow, maybe you already knew all this, but the main point of this blog is this: I've been researching lucid dreaming for almost 5 years. It has always fascinated me since reading about it, and due to the huge ammount of tutorials on Dream Views I've learnt quite a bit. But I've never been able to pull it off untill two nights ago. So, below are the dreams I had, and on which days. Hopefully that, coupled with the staggering intrinsic quality that Inception has, along with the fact that it's based on a true story (not really but almost all of it is possible by the proof of over a hundred members on Dream Views) will perhaps be enough to get people at least researching about it as I have. For I can attest that not only is it possible, but that the dream world is as real as ours in every way, and that the connection you can build to the events in your dreams feel as if they are true experiences that you yourself have gone through, and they remain in your mind as memories of your life. And best of all, you feel as if you've done something with those 7 or however many hours you've slept, rather than that you've just slept through part of your life.
Tuesday Night (August 3rd):
Ok, so the first one I attempted as soon as I read a tutorial. I downloaded the sound and alarm clock, set it, and went to bed. Unfortunately, I was SO excited, that I couldn't get to sleep for the longest time. I'd finally fall asleep then have a long, vivid dream (non-lucid) and then wake up. Get a drink, go back to bed, unable to sleep, then finally get to sleep, and have another vivid non-lucid dream, wake up etc, for about three of these cycles. However, in the final one, I was having a dream and decided to look at my clock as I've trained myself to do, and lo and behold, it wasn't consistent (for digital clocks in dreams never are)! So I thought "Aha! This is a dream!" so I immediately started rubbing my hands together and examining them and things got ultra-real. So I decided to examine the mechanics of my dreaming mind, how things behaved, etc. I remember feeling completely aware, I remember checking the mirror to see what I looked like and I looked the same and was kinda dissapointed but the image was slanted, also I'm 80% sure that I created things to see how that worked, basically this was a training exercise for me, and that's how I worked it. When things started to get blurry or dark, I'd rub my hands together again and continue exploring. I'd say I was in the dream for a perceivable hour.
When I awoke, the next day I had such a sensation of accomplishment, as though I'd actually done something with the time that I'd otherwise be wasting in sleep, and I pondered what I would do next.
So, for the first lucid dream I was not able to use the clock, but I became lucid because of how anticipant I was.
Anyhow, the next day at work I checked the clock constantly, did more reality checks, and thought of what I'd like to do next. Anyhow, I decided I'd like to learn summoning next, and so I picked Tricia Helfer as my subject. I theorized that if I was to summon her, as per this site's guidelines, it would need to be believable, so I theorized that using my phone (which is my "totem" if you will as I also use it to check the time to make sure it's consistant) to have her on speed dial would do it, that or going to a building that seemed like the kind she might be at. Besides, they also say that having a Dream Character help you in whatever task you are trying in the dream world, stabalizes the dream
So, I got home, read up on more techniques especially in controlling a dream, decided the passive way was best, and went to sleep.
Wednesday Night (August 4th):
Well, AGAIN I was too excited to sleep and had much difficulty, but since I remained awake,
I entered SP (Sleep Paralysis) at one point, tried to sit up in it, but ended up waking myself up and recalling that someone had posted and said it's better not to because you risk waking up (Better to just enter the dream). 'However that is supposed to be done.' I thought. Anyhow, later, the alarm went off! And I heard it but faintly, and so I thought "this is it!" I was already in SP and was waiting, trying to remember what to do, when my body felt like the top half of it was being lifted. But not my physical body, more like a floating body, if you know what I mean. Anyhow, I thought I'd just let it happen, so I did, I got lifted up till my top-half was 90 degrees with the bed, then I shot up out of the room and entered the dream (which was my room lol) but I was standing in it.
Anyhow, I remembered how the day before I had been talking to my cousin about doors and if you could make some other destination appear when you open the door, to go to that is. So anyhow, I opened the door and it was just like the norm in my house and I got frusterated and slammed the door. Can't remember what happened next but eventually I got into a fancy restaurant and thought "this is where I'll find Tricia Helfer" and when approached by the hostess I said "Yes for two, but she may be here already" so I went into the dining room but found that she wasn't there. I thought this odd because I thought I was being quite cunning in my manipulations but I waited for a while and she still never showed up. So I thought "why don't I call her?" so I checked my phone, and sure enough she was on my speed dial, I called her and she said she wouldn't be able to make it. At that point I thought "I thought I was controlling this dream? Guess I'm not.". But she said she'd meet me "somewhere" so anyhow, I ended up walking down the street when suddenly, from the sky, came a rocket ship, crashing into the ground like the canisters of weapons on Halo 3. The policeman opened it and freaked out. When I got there, I saw it was Tricia Helfer inside and I explained to the officer (to his confusion) that I knew her and it was fine. So we left, I asked her what took her so long, I forget what she said, but I pondered why she had come out of the sky rather than just be "around the corner" so to speak (which is supposedly one of the best ways to summon things in a dream. just know that it's around the corner or, like I tried, in the restaurant). Anyhow, we both navigated through the dream and there were some people after her for some reason but mostly I tried to get a handle on creating things. Again, I felt completely aware in this dream but found it odd that I was jumping from one location to the next.
But that's it. I tried last night again but to no avail as I was so exausted having not eaten for hours because I had to go look at a house straight from work. I will continue to try and as they say "practice makes perfect".
Anyhow, hope this has intrigued you enough to give it a try or at least read up on it. And remember: Lucid Dreaming isn't evil, because you do it every night, you are just not aware of the dream so you are not lucid (aware). And it isn't removing yourself from reality, because it's technically more real than a video game is, and it uses more brain power to lucid dream than to watch tv.
Bye for now!
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