As owner of Nintendo Switch i think i represent atleast half of these 107 milion when i say if Nintendo doesnt offer backward compatibility with switch games library on next gen console im done with Nintendo.
In reality it feels overextended. That dragon died in such stupid way i lost empathy to analyse it. It was probably needed as a shock to wake up audience after 50 minutes of dragging and boring conversations.
I watched this episode with brightness 100% and still missed 70% of action.Ok, its called "The long night" but cmon there is so much choices to lighten up scenery,like big shining moon,or just put some fuckng reflector on highest tower to lighten up the battlefield.
I must agree on gamespot review. Really ,of all possible scenarios ,they choose to go with this nonsense crap. Hey, i have one great idea, let's all charge and die in 1 minute. And whats worst, this episode is culmination of 8 years of hype ,and Night King died like biggest moron in history of Westeros.
Based on this experience i expect some stupid shit to happen in the last episode.
It will be in one piece, joycons and switch body integrated .Without rumble,battery for joycons and dock. It could be easily priced half the price, like 150 $, but knowing Nintendo,it will be 199 $.
A7ibaba's comments