First of all, I was not impressed by the Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 demo at all. The graphics make the characters look like hard plastic and all buildings look ugly. And there aren't any physicsthat were well rendered. On top of that, the animations felt loosely tied and the gameplay was not well polished. I give this demo 4 / 10.
Moving onto the Lost Planet 2 demo. The single-player was not that much fun, but certainly the multi-player(Co-op only)was good stuff. I enjoyed it very much. The gunplay is good and moving around is easy. But in general, Lost Planet is not my type of game. And the first one is better than this. I give this demo 7 / 10.
Now for the really good stuff. The Arkham Asylum DLC. The last DLC was OK, but nothing impressive or out of the ordinary. But this week adds two bad*** challenge maps for the hardcore types. The first one isdeadly killing of rows and rows of henchmen. Very nice and a lot of fun. The second one is an invisibile predator stealth map featuring three new challenges. Not as good as the freeflow combo map, but certainly good. Am suprised they're giving us these great maps for absloutely no charge whatsoever. I am very happy. I give this content 9 / 10. I wonder if they'll give us anything else.
So for the few people who have actually been following my blog ( Colmillios in particular because she'salwayscommenting on my blog), how was your PSN/XBL update? Got anything interesting?