Mass Effect 2 is one of the best games I ever played, the immersion the story the choices the endings (which are... just kidding no spoilers) and Red Dead Redemption is The best Free roam game I've played, I never really liked GTA 4 and found it to be overrated. With Red Dead Redemption you pretty much do what you expect in a western, also Rockstar added something that's been missing in GTA all those years, the choices: In GTA 4 I would've liked to save a guy for him to give me more money and/or help me but it was too linear, in Red Dead Redemption, the World is yours. As for Halo Reach I played the Beta and honestly it kinda sucked, looks the same as Halo 3. Now I know people are going to bash me for saying that but it is yet another FPS not only that, it's Halo, Halo is a series that is playable but not worthy of GOTY, all too repetitive and Master chief is a character that is pretty boring, sure he might be a tought guy but that doesn't give him a personality. In Half life per example, Gordon Freeman didn't talk, you created his personality, you played as if he was you because the game gives you the freedom to make of him what you want, he doesn't even have a face and yet he has more personality than most of the video game characters because a lot of room is given for the immagination. As for Mario Galaxy 2, I haven't played it so I can't really judge but I can say that in my opinion the Mario franchise is the most overrated in the industry. Since Super Mario 3, Mario games didn't feel original for me, the latest one I played was the first Mario Galaxy and it was good fun in the beggining but gets old after. We have yet to see some releases this year since we still have half of the year to account for.
PS: Oh and I want to say Hitman 5 will beat all of the games you can think of this year... what? not coming out this year? Not even one detail about it? but it's been like 4 years now, what happened to the 2 year interval. arrrgghhhh eidos.
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