a_spod / Member

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Docking bounce: Attempt #2

I knew blog docking would be tricky - I expected to take a year or two rebuild and settle. But I've already upped and moved; peripatetic – that's me. My blog is now at www.1000kindsofrain.com, where I can customize and tweak to my heart's content. (The site is slightly broken, and far from finished; but that's just a metaphor for me. :lol: ) In fact I might change backend hosts again--I'm on a 30-day free trial, and I'm not entirely happy the provider--but the domain should point at my abode for the next couple of years.

So far you've missed:

• My usual introspective ruminations on a girl with a Danish flag.

• A summer pastoral, which will test your knowledge flora, fauna, nephology and the English language.

Out of interest, how many people have the capacity to follow a blog (via blog reader, or mail software, or even twitter) and how many of you don't know what an RSS feed is?