Phhh... That was a helluva week:
by a_spod on Comments
Monday. The move out completed; and I attended a pre-agreed welcoming party for someone else all evening. Tuesday. Quiet day, recovering and getting used to being on own during day again. Wednesday. Cat deteriorated rapidly in the afternoon, had to be put down. Not a dry eye in the house. The queens have a reputation as better pets, but the toms are underrated - this one was a real character, demanding of affection. He suffered a problematic afternoon, struggling to walk and unable to settle and go to sleep or enjoy attention. But shortly after we'd arranged the trip to the vet he started purring. He was alert all the way down - still had his marbles. But after the anaesthetic he curled up and fell asleep and died instantly. Still bleary thinking about it. Thursday. The war of paperwork for my benefit continues with a new salvo. Then in the afternoon I attend the funeral and wake for my friend. To be brutally honest it was easier than the cat. Friday. Interview - really tough; unlike the last one this one felt open. But despite my attempt to find hope in previous blog, they again wanted someone with classroom experience. Why do they interview me? More schools jobs applied for so I'll ask at the next interview. :lol: Saturday. Oops better do that work. Prep another school tech job which I just discovered that closes monday... Phew.. At times like this you've gotta dig deep. It's easy enough to curl up in a ball. But problems rarely get solved by running away or throwing up your hands and saying "I can't do it". In situations like this you have to dig deep, find extra energy and reattack. The universe will wear you down till you have nothing left and then ask for more. And if, kicking, and screaming, and crying tears of pain, you can find that extra, then you stand a chance of succeeding. It's likely writing: there are no prizes for an unfinished story.