a_spod / Member

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The last blog of a condemmed blogger...?

I write this, sitting around waiting to go to an interview for a job of "ICT" technician at a local school. Everyone here is cockahoop - except me. But the job ticks most of my boxes:
  • it's within walking distance, so no rush hour commute and no transportation costs;
  • only-twenty hours a week, term-time - but I end up with roughly the same take-home pay as for the library job, because its higher paid.
The work is spread across every day, whereas I'd rather have had whole days off, and not had my holidays coinicide with the autoteaches'. But that's all that's wrong with it - apart from it being a permanent job. However it will be a fixed, predictable income to work round. I spent yesteday trying to find a suit in the charity shops - but they all seem to have given up selling men's clothing. I found one or two ill fitting jackets, but I'll save my money and hope that shirt and tie are smart enough; I'm going to have to buy some clothes anyway. Things here had got relativity calm - the planned move-out still hasn't happened due to someone being overly optimisitc. (See, have faith.) But its going to happen end of this month - so we're in the brown sticky stuff. My finger crossed that we can find a way through – hopefully I'll get this job and start it next week. I managed a contract at the end of last month on Rentacoder - horribly underpaid but it sured-up my savings until that money went on emergencies. Maybe that will bring a light at the end of the tunnel.