They've stuck the lawyers on me!
by a_spod on Comments
Remember this blog about a security flaw in a job web site? Well, it turns out pink unicorns don't exist: because after two months the bug still hadn't been fixed. So I threatened to tell the press. (Well I did tell one tech site, but security flaws are two-a-penny so they weren't interested.) I hadn't got round to tempting the local press (those who've been following this blog will understand why). But hey, the job web site has just stuck its lawyers on me. I'm in elated shock. Yes! They've set their lawyers on me - I'm going up in the world! I've gotta sit down and carefully read the reply and check if the hole still exists. And if it is still there, well, hey we're gonna have some fun. :lol: Update1: Yey! The hole is still there. :lol: Update2: I've replied, setting out the facts in more detail, and giving them till 5pm to come up with a timetable. Update3: And in the afternoon I realised monday was a bank holiday, :oops: so I extended it to 5pm tues.