go in your bathroom get a double piece of toilet roll wrap it round a ps3 disk and pu t it in your ps3 make sure t he bit of bog roll is not full in keep hold of a little bit but wait till disk is in properly then clik eject disk give the disk a hand back out bye gently pulling the bit o f bog roll not to hard dont rip it then put the disk in and bobs ure uncle buzzin agen tried evrythin didnt wont to brake warrenty seal so try the best method eva works on 360s to but you just put the bog roll in the disk holder no need to wrap round disk
go in your bathroom get a double piece of toilet roll wrap it round a ps3 disk and pu t it in your ps3 make sure t he bit of bog roll is not full in keep hold of a little bit but wait till disk is in properly then clik eject disk give the disk a hand back out bye gently pulling the bit o f bog roll not to hard dont rip it then put the disk in and bobs ure uncle buzzin agen tried evrythin didnt wont to brake warrenty seal so try the best method eva works on 360s to but you just put the bog roll in the disk holder no need to wrap round disk
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