From what I gather, most gamers who own a 360 or PS3 usually also had a Wii but for those who never purchased one or never dove into the Wii's library and with the Wii U kind of lacking any major games right now, here are my top 10 games I feel that are worth checking out.Â
Before I start, I'm going to leave out the obvious 1st party titles that are always associated with Nintendo like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Donkey Kong and Kirby because pretty much for any Nintendo system, those titles are always worth checking out. A couple of games that I feel like I SHOULD be recommending didn't make it onto the list simply because I've barely had a chance to play them such as Red Steel 2, MadWorld, and Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbados's Treasure. For the most part, I will only cover why the game is great as opposed to describing what the game is about (maybe a brief summary).
10) Boom Blox Bash Party
The ONLY party game entry, it is arguably the best the Wii has to offer. For those who've never heard of this game, it's basically a physics based puzzle game that takes you through a vareity of challenges that require taking down a huge structure of blocks (think Jenga but way crazier). What also sets this game apart from other party games is the robust single player mode the game offers. I was never able to finish every single challenge (the games gets extremely difficult, especially if you want to get a Gold Medal in every challenge) but I do believe there is around 100 puzzles in the single player mode alone, co-op doesn't have as many but is still loads of fun to play with others to see who can make the best shots and gain the most points. The controls are easy to grasp but takes time and skill to master. There's no "waggling" involved as the game can detect the strength of your toss by how fast you flick the WiiMote.Â
The game used to offer the ability to download user generated content for free but the servers were taken down on April of last year. Regardless, it's a challenging puzzle game that'll test your wit and precision and is a super fun game to play with friends and family.
9) Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Love fighting games? Tatsunoko vs Capcom was Capcom's one and only fighting game to appear on the Wii and was an exclusive on top of that. Compared to the other entries in the series, the game is obviously more obscure since Tatsunoko is a series only popular in Japan. But once you get past that, you'll find an excellent fighting game that plays just like Marvel vs Capcom 3 (but with only 2 characters to choose from), great visuals, and the whole package (no DLC!). I never tested the online but reviews have stated that it works well. If you love fighting games, this is a game that should not be overlooked, especially if the Wii U Pro Controller can be used for it (since no more Gamecube controller slot).Â
8) A Boy and His Blob
I wouldn't be surprised if many passed up this game thinking it was shovelware, the title doens't sound captivating (most probably wouldn't have remembered the original game that this one is a reboot of) and the cover of the game itself doesn't look like it'll be that fun. Pop in the disc and what you'll find is a beautifully drawn, charming (and heartwarming at times) yet challenging puzzle platformer that requires fast reaction, precision (especially in the challenge stages), and lots of puzzle solving.Â
The game wastes no time getting you into the action, the moment you see the title of the game, it immediately starts up. This game uses no words or text to tell the story, everything is experienced. You're basically a young boy who finds this blob and helps his return to his home planet and to activate its abilities, you feed it jellybeans.Â
7) Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
Think the Wii has no hardcore titles? Sin & Punishment: Star Successor is as hardcore as it gets. An on-rails shooter, even on the easiest difficulty this game is no push over. In order to obtain the highest score, you must raise your multiplier by destroying enemies but once you're hit, your multiplier drops (I forgot how much, I think by x2 whereas every enemy defeated raises it by x0.1). Each boss requires a good deal of strategy and fast reaction and of course as the game progresses, it'll only get crazier and more challenging.Â
You play as either Isa or Kachi and I actually never understood what the story was about but in a game like this, the story shouldn't be the highlight, its the gameplay that takes center stage and if you're up to challenge, give this game a go, I do suggest you only play one stage at a time as this game made my hands hurt a lot after each stage.Â
6) Muramasa: The Demon Blade
One of the most visually stunning games on the Wii, Muramasa is an excellent 2D hack 'n slash adventure. Both playable characters are distinct from each other and feature their own story line. Battles are fast furious fun and bosses are especially epic. While not terribly difficult, it's super fun with lots to do and a massive amount of swords to forge, although there is a lot of backtracking involved, especially when you want to explore newly unlocked areas, it almost never feels that bad since the visuals are always a sight to behold and the music accompanies it well also.
5) No More Heroes (1 & 2)
The only other motion based game on here, No More Hereos is some fast paced, bloody hack n slash fun. The motion controls are used well to not make you feel like you're simply waggling the WiIMote along with being accurate since it's used sparingly instead of being the only way to attack. You play as Travis Touchdown, an otaku who won a beam kanata (light saber? Please!) through an internet auction which runs him dry. Trying to earn more money, he is tricked into fighting his way up the United Assassins Association and must kill all other aspiring assassins to make his way to the top (and finally be left alone).Â
The story of both games is solid and full of outlandish bizarre moments. Gameplay is fun and doesn't get old and boss fights are especially epic, the one time where you actually have to use skill to win :P While the visuals are a bit grainy, the art style is pretty cool and allows you to look past that.Â
4) The Last Story
Quite possibly the last amazing game to hit the Wii, The Last Story takes a great step forward for the JRPG genre, even though some aspects of it are hampered down by hardware limitations. The story itself is amazing and engages you from start to finish, following the story of Zael, a young mercenary just trying to get by on life with his group of friends when he stumbles across a mysterious girl, Lisa, from there the fate of the main characters changes. Sounds typical but the direction the game takes is quite different from other games I've played and when it comes to Mistwalker Studios, the stories of their games tend to be some of my favorites (Lost Odyssey being one of the best in my opinion).Â
Gameplay is pretty solid although you'll notice the limitations pretty early on (framerate drops when action gets crazy, and enemy AI can easily be exploited) but it's a good blend of JRPG and WRPG elements that can only become much better when done on more powerful consoles. Although the shortest JRPG I've ever played on a home console (30 hours when I finished it), the adventure is pretty awesome and voice work is spot on also. I grew up with British television so it's something I quickly grew accustomed to and tends to be far less annoying than American voice work in gaming.
3) Sonic Colors
In my opinion, FAR superior to Sonic Generations, Sonic Colors was the first step to bringing Sonic back to being amazing in 3D. Compared to previous 3D Sonic titles, controls are much tighter, gameplay is more varied and replayablity is high. Also the story for the first time isn't cringeworthy. This time Eggman has apparently learned his lesson and has used his resources to create an intergalactic theme park. Sonic being the wiser, knows that Eggman is still plotting something and surprise, he is, enslaving Wisps (the cute little aliens you see around Sonic) and harnessing their energy for Eggman's use.Â
A pretty huge game, Sonic Colors primary campaign has around 40 levels with around 40 more challenge stages that can be unlocked. Boss battles aren't that great which is a disappointment considering how Sonic games usually has pretty awesome boss battles. The wisps are what make Sonic Colors unique, giving Sonic different abilities throughout the game, and as you unlock more wisps, the game gives you incentives to go back and play previous stages (to grab hidden Red Rings). This is also the first 3D Sonic game that freely lets you play as Super Sonic (but you must grab all the red rings and beat all the challenge stages).Â
2) The Little King's Story
I love this game, so much that when I was about to beat the game, I decided to just replay the whole thing over again before I see the ending, that's how much I love it. One of the Wii's best hidden gems, The Little King's Story is pretty much like a more battle type version of Pikmin. You play as King Corobo, ruler of the Kingdom of Alpoko on a conquest to unify the world. To take over other kingdoms and free areas of UMA (the name of the monsters in the game), you must raise an army to take down these monsters/kings.Â
To create an army, you train your citizens to become what you need them to be, from a grunt soldier (primary warrior), farmer (digs holes, uncovers hot springs for healing), carpenters (building bridges and stairs), to hunters (long range fighters) and much more. The game requires a good deal of strategy and planning as bringing the wrong set of classes could easily lead to defeat. It's a charming tale with vibrant visuals that are pleasing to the eye.Â
On a side note, if you listen to their speech, they're actually talking in different languages. So far I've heard Latin, French, Spanish, Japanese, and German.Â
1) Xenoblade Chronicles
Okay this one might've been pretty obvious but need I say why? A MASSIVE JRPG (100 hours clocked in when I beat it and I didn't even finish everything) with a great deal of sidequests that are not a pain to complete, beautifully crafted enviroments, one of the best soundtracks I've heard in an RPG, memorable characters, spot on voice work, an addicting battle system, and one of the best and most unique stories I've experienced in an RPG. If you do not own a Wii and plan on getting a Wii U, this is the first title you MUST pick up and will easily carry you over any dry spells that may occur.Â
You play as Shulk, a young researcher who is studying the Monado, a special blade that is capable of destroying mechon, the habitants of the Mechonis, the enemy of the Bionis (where Shulk lives). After learning he can weild the Monado, he sets out on a journey of revenge against the Mechon. And like The Last Story, it sounds cliche, but the journey this game takes you is filled with twists and surprises and breathtaking moments.
So there you have it, I hope you check out these games because many of them have been overlooked and really don't deserve to. I'm aware that some of these games I haven't reviewed myself so I will get around to it when I have more time. If there are any requests for me to review a specific game on this list, let me know and I'll write a review of that game first.
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