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3D Gaming a bad thing

I'm a gamer who has a very annoying disability when it comes to the world of 3D. I only have 1 working eye. Yes, thats right, I'm half blind. So how then am I able to use any of this awesome 3D technology then? I remember back in the day of the red and blue lenses and I saw the entire movie with the lines as if I wasn't wearing the glasses because it couldn't filter out both colours. And now they come up with these strange glasses that by my best bet would require a 2nd perspective as is generally required for a 3rd dimension point of view, but without the 2nd eye, I don't get that perspective.

Most of this rant comes from the idea that you need 2 cameras next to each other to take a 3D photo, but I don't even have the 2 eyes to see them.

E3: Microsoft Press Conference Wrap Up

As the Don Mattrick wrapped up the conference, with an amazing amount of information about the releases and then even released the information about the XBOX360 SLIM!! 250gb hard-drive, and Wi-Fi 802.11n comes all built in as standard with this puppy and anyone that was lucky enough to go to the conference got one for free.

Now for all you Australians out there, Football in this blog is in reference to American Football and the Kinect gets released anywhere between November 4th and Christmas. And is priced at $120 so get ready for this amazing extravaganza as more information hits the blog as the conferences continue.

E3: Microsoft Press Conference Pt3

Soon after, Kudo Tsunoda, the Creative Director for Kinect, came to the stage to discuss more about the games for the Kinect. First that came up was Kinectimals, which is generally a game for kids. It allows them to adopt any one of 40 of their favourite animals and then play with them in 30 different activities. This was all demonstrated for us by a little girl playing with her tiger pet.

Now we step once again into the world of sports with Kinect Sports. During this demo we had Jen and Shin show us hurdles which again looks alot better than what we got from the Wii because this is the hardware that shows us as we are not where the remote is. And mind you, it was a very close game of hurdles. But its not all track and field with many more events like soccer, bowling, table tennis and many more.

Now we go to a kart driving game with Kinect Joy Ride. This was demo'd with 2 short laps of a desert racetrack and I've gotta admit the speed you can pull and then drift with sharp turns and everything else because the system is tracking your hands, its a lot of skill and amazing technology implemented for something like this. And this also includes the ability to pull stunts that you would never be able to pull in any other car game in stunt mode or in any normal race.

Now we go to a more jump, duck and weave type of game with Kinect Adventures! This game shows a heap of different experiences from river rafting avoiding obstacles to riding a train cart and avoiding obstacles. This game really is quite interesting because of the action photos that get taken periodically and you see some pretty wacky stuff.

After these generic games, we have games from other publishers designed specifically for the Kinect. One of these such games is Your Shape by Ubisoft. This is the Wii Fit without the balance board and feedback if your doing your workout wrong since the Wii Fit couldn't tell if your knee was high enough or whatever since it could only tell how much weight was on each pad or how you were standing. This can do so much more. So as Felicia Williams comes out to show us what its capable of doing, we get prepared for some more amazing details. This comes with things that let you tailor the experience to whatever your personal fitness goal is, take classes like Kung-Fu and Yoga and even do fun gym activities.

Next we have a dance game for the Kinect called Dance Central and since I can't pronounce or spell, so I'm not even going to try. But in any case, we have Harmonix showcasing it for us. And its just amazing as it shows you so many dance moves that you have seen before in the music videos and so much more. The showcase was done by the lead producer, whose name I can't spell (sorry), but still shows very promising results for those who want to learn how to dance but don't know how as you can now learn really easily. Now this was a game that Harmonix was looking for the technology to do for a while since using a controller doesn't give you the same emersion that you should be able to have. This also comes with some very easy tutorials that show you how to dance before you have to place it into an entire dance routine.

But surely one of the best games for the Kinect that I saw was the Star Wars game. There is no title but there is some gameplay of the game and it makes for a really interesting experience where you can swing a lightsaber around and feel like your actually fighting the clones and Darth Vader. So this is going to be one of the best games on the Kinect when more information is released.

Now the last game on this massive line up has to be a Forza game, revealed by Bill Giese and Dan Greenawalt. This game really lets you feel like your in the game as you can drive like never before. It allows you to have an experience like never before when looking at a really nice car. As you could never touch the car or get too close. And now with the Kinect you can get closer than ever before and even inside the car to look at the interior like you always wanted.

Wrap up in another post.

E3: Microsoft Press Conference Pt2

Now this is seriously my largest write-up EVER with more to come as I'm only about half an hour into this. But we are being treated to some very seriously awesome stuff thanks to Microsoft and other game developers for the XBox 360.

Continued from previous post:

Now to release the information about Fable III, we had Peter Molyneux, the Creative Director from Microsoft Games Studio, Europe. Stating that it brings everythnig that you love about Fable and even more. And this is all in a world that you have never seen from Fable before. Then he goes to show you a trailer of the game which shows the story of 2 brothers, one of which becomes the ruler and to the other a life of adventure.

Now then, Paul Spencer is back on the stage to announce Codename Kingdoms, which has me interested just from the basic trailer that is produced. But no further information is released other than just the name and a simple trailer with no ingame footage at all meaning that it is likely to be a game in the works.

As soon as the trailer is given, we get into the Halo Reach sector of the conference. And after stating a few facts like 2 BILLION online hours played, Paul Spencer invites the Bungie Creative Director, Marcus Lehto to take the stage. Marcus thanks all the participators of the Multiplayer Halo Reach Beta and then introduced some gameplay footage for the campaign. The footage that we get to see shows a pelican aircraft drop down and drop of 4 spartans that then run around killing a few covenant before running into a base that is under attack from the covenant. And then go into some pretty awesome melee stuff killing some covenant. This is a really interesting addition to the game. After exploring a bit more of the base to find it pretty empty with a few dead marines everywhere then they continue to get into a spaceship and fly off into a cinematic ending the demo.

As the demo finishes, we see Marc Whitten, Corporate Vice President of Xbox Live, take the stage and unveil the section of the show about the Kinect (Previously called Project Natal). Marc explains the Kinect as a device that can let you watch movies without a remote, find content on tv simply and play a game without a remote.

Introducing Ron, we get to see how easy it is to use it. Just wave once and it signs you in. Wave again and your at the Kinect menu or the "Kinect Hub" as Ron calls it. Its where you find your games, friends and a heap of other stuff like Facebook and Last.FM. And you don't even have to use your hands to access it either. You can use your voice which goes along with the statement, "If you can see it, just say it". He then goes on to show you how the Kinect system can be used with Zune which is pretty slick. Voice and hand controls really help you get the system running.

Now we can also do live video chat with people around the world with the same Kinect. Its called "VideoKinect". It was demo'd by Laura, an engineer working with the social side of Xbox Live. She gave us a demo by speaking with her twin sister on the video chat part. It worked pretty well and even followed her sister around the room as she moved by tracking her skeleton so that she never had to move the camera but it did it all by itself. And it even allows you to watch videos and other bits and pieces as well as work with your voice so its all starting to seem more like something I want to buy. But VideoKinect is coming to the Windows Live Messenger network as well. So there is good news for all you PC gamers out there that don't want an Xbox.

And now we even get sport on the Xbox Live system thanks to ESPN who are able to bring you heaps of live and pre-recorded events like College Football, Basketball, NBA and more. This was released to us by Josh Elliott and Trey Wingo. They were able to show us a football match and a basketball match. And all in HD.

E3: Microsoft Press Conference

After re-watching the Microsoft E3 Press Conference, the sound was a bit off but if you couldn't watch that then read this. We have been treated to a lot of awesome experiences including CoD: Black Ops, Metal Gear Solid Rising and the Kinect (Previously Project Natal). If its too long and you can't be bothered in reading this, there will be a summary.

To start the entire press conference off was the Call of Duty: Black Ops trailer followed by a bit of the gameplay from Mark Laima, the Studio Head of Treyarch. There were 2 very different maps that he was showing off to us. First of all we start with the stealth, in which we got to have a look at the main character in a tunnel, which we presume he fell into with a teammate or 2. In this tunnel he gets blocked off from 1 teammate and then follows the other one until he hits a corner and gets an enemy run around it and knife your teammate while you shoot the enemy quickly with your revolver. After walking around the corner into a larger room than your small tunnel, this map ends and the next begins.

The other part that we got to see was more of a guns blazing sort of action that we all love. Bust in, steal the helicopter and fly it away, all the while blowing up everything that wants to blow you up from the ground. Blowing up bridges, cars, villages and pipelines are all just required in this mission but at that we ended our demo.

After Mark was finished, Don Mattrick, the Senior Vice President for Xbox, came out and stated that all CoD DLC expansions will be released on Xbox 360 before any other platform. So it might be a good idea to get one so you can get all your CoD DLC information as soon as it comes out.

But thats just the first of the information that Don listed. Going on to say bits about the XBox Live changing the way you watch movies, listen to music and connect with friends but we will go into that a bit later on. But finishing with that he invites out the creator of Metal Gear Solid, Hideo Kojima.

Hideo Kojima started off with a short speech by stating that it was important that they had something unique for Metal Gear Solid Rising. But his bit wasn't very long at all as he then invites out Shigenobu Matsuyama, Producer for the game.

With Shigenobu, he started to explain that it was based on a word that they created, which was Zan-Datsu, which when translated to english is Cut-Take. This was then explained further with a video that showed the main character jumping down and slicing up a robot and then taking what looked like an intestine from its corpse. But there was more. With action that involved cutting up basically anything and everything, from cars, to walls. It even allows for you to select the angle and everything to which you cut. And then just when you think its all over, it makes a joke showing the main character cutting up a watermelon. Then of course the video finishes but not before saying, and I quote, "What will you cut? The blade is in your hands." The guys at Konami really do have a sense of humour.

After MGS: Rising, Paul Spencer, the Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Games Studios, takes the stage and announces that they are all about the stuff that defines the industry, from multiplayer to graphics and more. But now we know that all the experiences, games and everything else that are mentioned past this point are avaliable exclusively to the Xbox 360.

Now its the Epic Games time to shed its light for the public to see what they have for us with Gears of War 3. Cliff Bleszinski, Rod Ferguson, Lee Perry and Tina Wood were gracious enough to show us the 4 player story-based co-op. This included the team of 4 playing through an open area of the game killing some pretty nasty enemies until one of the players died but the revive came quick. But what I found really nice is what came next with a weapon swap between teammates. Then comes more enemies and a few huge snake things that popped out of the ground and spawned even more enemies that get extra arms and stuff. So the enemies morph, thats strange but awesome. But as we see one particularly tough enemy with about 5-7 arms, we see that our main character, Marcus, must do a few diverolls to avoid it so that they can delay it before they run into the base that they were just outside and watch from within as a laser hits it from space. But then as it jumps over the wall to the base, the demo ends. But before the team leaves the stage, Cliff announces that they are unveiling a new mode called "Beast".

To be Continued...

E3: Games that have me interested

Ok here is the list of games that have me quite interested in although I will be going into more details of quite a lot more games over the next coming days.

List provided by GameSpot @

Got a list yourself? Post it in a comment on this blog post. And be sure to check out the information on E3 @

E3: Just around the corner

With a lot of information coming in from GameSpot about E3 over the last couple of days, it may take a few hours to digest it all but with the new 'My E3' feature it can take half the time.

But with information everywhere about some amazing inovations coming from GameSpot to bring you a better experience if your unlucky and don't get to go to E3 like myself. It's proving to be an amazing level of E3. With a live feel that you get to be walking through the expo from home thanks to the guy with the backpack. And whats even better about that guy is that you can ask him where to go. So get prepared to sit down and watch an amazing 45+ hours of footage coming from GameSpot for E3 2010.

With that just being the experience, we are looking forward to some top knotch games coming out like Call of Duty: Black Ops, Killzone 3, Marvel vs Capcom and so much more. But it doesn't stop with the games as Nintendo are showing off their brand new 3DS, the first gaming system to have 3D capabilities built into it. Along with that, we also have the Kinect, which has just been renamed from the Natal, being brought out by Microsoft as well which looks for an exciting addition to the system.

With the games being released we have some awesome new features to quite a lot of them and that can just be a different way that the story is released and that alone is going to make for an amazing expo that will surely blow your mind with the amount of information being released on the games and other bits and pieces as well.

So get ready for an E3 like no other as this year is set to be the biggest ever.

For more information about E3 from GameSpot head over to for the ultimate experience.

4 days until E3

Thats right gamers. Its 4 days until the all-mighty E3 conference in LA. This year, we are looking at some really interesting games, like "Star Wars: The Old Republic" and "Starcraft II: The Wings of Liberty". But the games are not the only thing that are hitting the show. This year, we are expecting something from Richard Branson about a little something called "A World of my own" and more about Microsoft's "Project Natal".

More of the best information for you as the gamer is avaliable at the GameSpot E3 page, Link, as well as here as the conference goes on.

New Information on CoD: Black Ops

4 days ago, the studio head of Treyarch, Mark Laima, released more information about Black Ops. Now this game is starting to look really interesting.

According to Mark, there is going to be a new experience in every level and this varies from stealth to guns blazing. So be prepared to have the all-mighty take-downs along with some quiet times. But as is the nature of Black Ops.

Black Ops is based around a form of combat that isn't well known and can quite often be flagged as "It never happened". This is why the period is so crucial to the plot of this game. The period of which the game is held is during the Cold War. And this is the period where no-one trusted anyone. It was the era of blame your neighbour as being communist and the likes. So we have this awesome era to do heaps with and thats exactly what Treyarch did.

Don't like the jungle? Well don't worry because thats not the only area in which you are operating, you can be running around in a city, or snow as well.

The weapon variety is going to make this game a lot better as well, whether you want to go old-fashioned and run around with a crossbow with explosive heads, silenced assault-rifles or full loud with rocket launchers and the whole kit that comes with it, you can do it all.

Also, one of the better features of the storyline is that you can actually speak, all-be-it in a pre-programmed way but your no longer a mute. Yay!!!

Thanks to the guys from GameSpot for posting the information. Link

CoD: Black Ops

The next game in the Call of Duty series to be released by the same developers as World at War, Treyarch, comes Black Ops. To be released in November of this year.

With World at War, we saw things like the flamethrower, soldiers appearing out of no-where (which I must admit is frightningly accurate) and the awesome zombies.

This looks like a really interesting addition to the series.

With some gameplay that I find really rare like being able to rappel down from the roof and blast your way in killing everyone in your path is an awesome and well thought out addition to the already very good game.

There are a few aspects that I really do like about this game and one of the biggest ones has to be the aspect of co-operative play. It shows a lot of potential for one of the better games from the Call of Duty franchise.

Not knowing the entire story about the game. It still looks like another well researched game from Treyarch that we can all look forward to.


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